Tuning: C tuning
Credit to Andreas88 for giving me a great starting point, added a number
of my own touches to make it my own. Many sections may not have the exact
number of strums and what not, just listen to the song to get the exact
pattern yourself, its easier that way. I also added the back up guitar
only in the spots where it was different enough to be worth including.

Riff 1 (0:16-0:42)
                                                                 END 1 VVV

End 2 VVV (0:42-0:46)

   P A L M - M U T E D

Transition (0:46-1:00)  End 1 VVV   End 2 VVV(Trem Pick,listen for pattern)
Riff 2 2X (1:00-1:29)

Riff 3 4X (1:30-1:44)
          P M         P M

Riff 4 2X (1:44-2:13)(listen for palm mute pattern)

                P M    P M    P M

Riff 4 (Guitar 2) (1:44-2:13)

                    P M     P M    P M
Riff 5 2X (2:14-2:42)


Riff 5(guitar 2)(2:14-2:42)don't bother counting just listen for the pattern


Transition (2:43-2:52)
      P M  PM    P MMMMM        PM                P M   pm     P M

Riff 6 2X (2:53-3:11)(same as transition just different strum pattern)
            PM                                   P M   pm     P M
Transition 2X (3:11-3:25)
    almost all palm mutes           P M P M         P M   PM

Riff 7 (3:26-4:55)(play until it fades, alternate between endings 1 and 2)
                                             END 1 VVV

        END 2 VVV
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