I saw this arrangement on another site and found it lacking in fullness so I added many more chords to make it sound better and a little more of a challenge. John A Certain Smile - Johnny Mathis Intro: C D A7 D C D A7 G G7 C F C A certain smile, a certain face Dm F G7 Dm7 G7 C CM7 C7 Can lead an un - sus - pec - ting heart on a mer - ry chase. Bm7 E7 Bm7 E7 Am Am7 D7 A fleeting glance can say so many lovely things; G G7 Am7 D7 Dm7 A7 G7 Sud-den-ly you know why my heart sings. Dm7 A7 G7 A7 C F C You love a while, and when love goes, CM7 Dm F Dm7 G7 C CM7 C7 You try to hide the tears inside with a cheerful pose; Gm7 C E F A7 Dm7 F Fm7 But in the hush of night ex - act � ly like A bitter - sweet re - frain, E C Am Dm G G7 C Comes that certain smile to haunt your heart a - gain. Instrumental: CM7 Dm F Dm7 G7 C CM7 C7 Gm7 C7 E F A7 Dm7 Fm7 Gm7 C7 E F A7 Dm7 Fm7 But in the hush of night ex - act � ly like A bitter - sweet re - frain, E C Am Dm G G7 C Comes that certain smile to haunt your heart a - gain.