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?22??Still Pray?
Casey Chambers Feat. Paul 
tuning. Just follow the chord pattern throughout the song
Well I still cry for baby Jesus,
I still pray when I?m alone,
	  	 G  				D					
And when I?m lost, he?ll come to find me,
		  A     G		      Bm
Because he died to save my soul,
When I can?t walk, he?s there to carry,
When I speak he hears my 
I wake and I have nothing,
He sends me gold frankincense and mirth,
Well I still cry for baby Jesus,
And I still pray when I?m alone,
And when I?m lost, he?ll come to find me,
Because he died to save my soul,
When I cry my tears of sorrow,
When my heart will only ache,
And if I?m troubled when I?m sleeping,
He will hold me until I wake,
Well I still cry for baby Jesus,
And I still pray when I?m alone,
And when I?m lost, he?ll 
to find me,
Because he died to save my soul,
Because he died to save my soul,
Because he died to save my soul,

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