I read the other post about Fieldy's Slaping technique. It was a great explaination of how he slaps, 
and I just wanted to add my own version of his technique.

First off, Fieldy invented and pioneered his form of slap. It is totaly unique to him. 
Most bass guitarist who play slap use thier thumb positioned verticly or horizontaly to the 
strings to slap. Fieldy slaps with his thumb horizontaly to the strings, 
and then comes back and slaps with his pinkey. That is how he gets his incredible speed 
in songs like Right Now and Got the Life. 

Getting used to the pinkey slap to a lot of time for me to get down. 
After slaping with the thumb you have to come back hard with your pinkey. 
Basically I learned that it's all in the wrist. The best was to learn this 
technique is to start slow. If you never played slap bass before start by getting 
used to the thumb slap. To learn the pinkey slap first slap with your thumb on the A-string, 
then come back hard with you pinkey and try to hit the string with the tip of your pinkey. 
Basically this motion is just the opposite of the thumb slap. At first it will feal weird, 
but as soon as you get it down the speed will come.

When I'm not playing bass the best way I found to practice Fieldy's technique 
was on the side of a 20 Oz soda bottle. It sounds funny, but it was useful to me 
just to build up the speed. When I am playing my bass I find it easyier to slap 
holding the bass up more, just like Fieldy does in concert, or on the music videos.
The more verticle it is in relation to your body the easier it is to slap.

As you get his technique down, it is posible to slap from string to string with your 
thumb and pinky. I will tab out a simple exercise that I made up to help me with this:
T- thumb, P- pinkey
G|-----0-------0--------| practicre this slowly, then gradualy increse your speed.
   T P T P T P T P T

When you get this down here are some parts of Korn songs were Fieldy uses his trademark slap. 
I wil tab it out just like the exercise above.
Song: Right Now (Rythm)
G|-----------------| When this song first came out I thought god this was fast,
D|-----------------| but using Fieldy's slap style it turned out to be prety simple.
A|-0-0-10---000010-| Just let your hand relax and the speed will come. 

For the more advance "string to string thumb and pinkey slap" it is easy to learn the
chours in Freak on a Leash.

  T  P     T     P  T                                       

G---------x-----|--------s-----s------------  For the first part I find it
D------x-----x--|--2--2--t--3--t--1--1------  easyier to start the string to string 
A---0-----------|-----------------------1---  slap with your pinkey.
    P  T  P  T     T  P     T     P  T  T 
The Rythm in Dead Bodies Everywhere is done the same way. 

In the end the best way to get Fieldy's unique technique down is by practicing and 
watching him on video. Like I said in some of my other tabs the best video to get
is Korn Live At CBGBs. You get an awsome close up of a Fieldy slap solo.

Good Luck,
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