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Artist: Krezip
Title:  Everything and more
Album:  Nothing less

Ok, there are a lot of parts in this song, that repeat through out the song. I've numbered the different parts, 
and at the bottom of this tab you find a listing when to play what part. If you have any comments or 
corrections, please drop me a mail: damrod@gmx.de

~ means let note ring
> means repeat/strum note

Bass starts after about 30 seconds

Bass fig. A					Bass fig. B
G|----------------------|	G|-----------------------------|
D|----------------------|	D|-5~----5~--------5~----5~----|
A|-8~----8~-6~-8~----6~-| 	A|----6~----6-8-6~----6~----6~-|
E|----3~----------3~----|	E|-----------------------------|

Bass fig. C					Bass fig. D
G|--------------|				G|-------------|<|------|
D|--------------|				D|-------------|3|------|
A|-8~-10~-8~-6~-| 			A|-----6-5-----|x|----6-|
E|--------------|				E|-33------6-1-|<|-33---|

Bass fig. E					


Time	Part
0:30	Bass fig. A
0:50	Bass fig. B
1:10	Bass fig. C
1:22	Bass fig. D
1:41	Bass fig. C (play two times, on 2nd time skip the 2nd A|-8-|)
2:00	Bass fig. B
2:20	Bass fig. C (repeat the notes)
2:27 	Pause
2:39	Bass fig. E
3:05	Bass fig. B
3:25	Bass fig. C (repeat the notes and play two times)
3:47	Ending

Have fun playing, and please rate!
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