
A A/G D/F# E

A                                D/F#
Stillness filled the Heavens, on crucifixion day.
     D              E                    A
Some say it rained, I don't know if it's true.
Well, I can just imagine ten thousand angels cried
D                                   E  
That would seem like rain to me and you.
A                             D/F#
The angels all stood ready to take Him from the tree
D                   E              A
They waited for the words from His voice.
And when he asked the father why has thou forsaken me.
D                                       E
They watched the saviour die of his own choice.

     A             D                A
I've never seen ten thousand angels cry
But I'm sure they did
As they stood by
E                       Esus4 E
And watched the saviour die.
    A                A/G
God turned his head away
   D/F#              D          
He couldn't bear the sight
   D         E           C#m  F#m    
It must have looked like rain
         D        E      A
When ten thousand angels cried.

A A/G D/F# E

       F#m         C#m
As the sun slipped away
    D     E         A
The skies turned to grey
         F#m            C#m
And when Jesus gave his all
                B/D#           E
That's when the tears began to fall

     A             D                A
I've never seen ten thousand angels cry
But I'm sure they did
As they stood by
E                       Esus4 E
And watched the saviour die.
    A               A/G
God turned his head away
   D/F#              D
He couldn't bear the sight
   D         E           C#m  F#m
It must have looked like rain
         D        E      A   A/G
When ten thousand angels cried.
   D         E           C#m  F#m
It must have looked like rain
         D        E      A   A/G  D/F# E A
When ten thousand angels cried.
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