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    A Extentions

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this lesson will help u become more aware of whats out then and teach u somethin
if u don;t know all of it.

Am pentatonic

Alrite boys and girls here is something to help u with with the famous Am pentonic
solos. We all know that penta means five rite. so five notes rite. A-C-D-E-G. With these
notes u can do a world of fun...with limits. alrite here is something that sounds good but
is to generic for u experts reading this.

Am pentatonic


Realize this is just bread and butter but refure to this now as home base


But look that wasn't even a solo u stayed at home base u have to run the bases now!!!

U can use this now the rest of this scale


or w/e u can finger w/e u want!!!

there are many ways u can finger this scale i used this exsample. it isn't the best 
but i'll take the time to tell u ever spot where u can play on the first twelve fret 
i shouldn't have to tell u any more above that. i'm doin this for ever one i found it by myself
and it helped me once i knew it so i thought i mite help some one.


i'm not gonna give u a Tabbed out solo cause i can't write them down it would be horrible tabbed. 

ok pentatonic i think of it as a "skeleton scale" why don't we add one more note and make this 

Am blues scale


the only thing i am adding is a D#,Eb and this with make ur solos have so much more spice
but if u want to u can learn MAJOR and MINOR blues scales i'm only gonna teach u the basics
to help kindle the fire and make u go out and learn

ok home work u have to do the rest and figure out where this extra note is on the fret borad and
use it all over the fret borad.

ok mabe u don't want just that feel u want something more well ok here somethin better has two more 
notes then the pentatonic scale

Am Aeolian or what i say "natural minor"

                these notes
               are the same
               pick which way 
               to play them

We Added B and F to the penta scale. i love to use this in A. or when ever. i'm using A all the time cause
no sharps ner flats.

ok i think i'm gonna give u a basic solo. or fill W/e



Short and sweet rite
i didn't really go into it all i wanted to just spark someones fire. u can go so much futher
then this if u put ur mind to it. when u learn pay attention. if u take lessons u should feel 
tired after a half hour of paying attention. u will abbsorb so much more.
this is my first "lesson"i've wrote, and i'm not a vetran at guitar either. i've got just over 
two years of experience but i experienced alot in those two years.

Well ding dang dere it be
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