• Song:

    I Will Be Back One Day

  • Artist:

    Lord Huron

  • Album:

    Lonesome Dreams

Capo 2
I got these chords from watching them perform on KEXP.  This is just the main 
acoustic guitar and he basically just rocks back and forth between Cmaj7 and G.
Note that the D here is played: x57775

Cmaj7 G Cmaj7 G
Em G Cmaj7 G

Cmaj7 (x32000@1)G (320003@1) Cmaj7 (x32000@1)  GI (320003@1)wanna live in the land of lakes
Where the great waves break
And the night runs right into the day
I wanna be with ones I left
But I'm way out west
And the years keep on slipping away
I wanna run on the sacred dunes
Through the ancient runes
Where the fires of my ancestors burned
I remember that fateful day
When I ran away
And you told me to never return
DYou (xx0232@1)made me swear I'd never forget
Cmaj7 G Cmaj7 G

DI (xx0232@1)made a vow I'd see you again
Cmaj7 G Cmaj7 G
I will be back one day
Em G Cmaj7 G
And I'll find you there by the great big lake

Cmaj7 G Cmaj7 G
I been running a long, long time
Trying to flee that life
But I can't seem to leave it behind
Wanna visit the windswept shores
Of a time before
When the moon and the stars were aligned
I remember the bright spring day
When you sparked that flame
And a fire that continues to burn
I remember the day I left
Headin' way out west
When you told me to never return

DYou (xx0232@1)made me swear I'd never forget
Cmaj7 G Cmaj7 G

DI (xx0232@1)made a vow I'd see you again
Cmaj7 G Cmaj7 G
I will be back one day
Em G Cma7 G
And I'll find you there by the great big lake

Cmaj7 G Cmaj7 G
Em G Cmaj7 G
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                    var instr = 'guitar';
            var applicature          = {"Cmaj7":[{"l":[],"x":0,"n":[52,47,43,40,36,-1],"t":[0,0,0,2,3,-1],"g":[0,0,0,1,2,0],"f":0}],"G":[{"l":[],"x":7,"n":[55,47,43,38,35,31],"t":[3,0,0,0,2,3],"g":[3,0,0,0,1,2],"f":0}],"Em":[{"l":[],"x":4,"n":[52,47,43,40,35,28],"t":[0,0,0,2,2,0],"g":[0,0,0,2,1,0],"f":0}],"D":[{"l":[],"x":2,"n":[54,50,45,38,-1,-1],"t":[2,3,2,0,-1,-1],"g":[2,3,1,0,0,0],"f":0}],"Cma7":[{"l":[],"x":0,"n":[52,47,43,40,36,-1],"t":[0,0,0,2,3,-1],"g":[0,0,0,1,2,0],"f":0}]};
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