Madball		-	Para Mi Gente

Tuning: Drop D
Album: NYHC E.P.

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			--Intro part I--

---------------------------------------|	x 2
		(gradually release the palm mute the second time)

			--Intro part II:--

      D5               C5        D#5
     D5   G5   D5      A5    Bb5 A5 C5


--------------------------------------|	    \
--------------------------------------|     |
--------------------------------------| x3  |
------0--------0--------0-1-11--------|     |  
-0-00-0---0-00-0---0-00-0-1-11--------|     |-- x2
--------------------------------------|     |
--------------------------------------|     |

		Repeat intro part II

			--Verse 2--
			--Chorus 2--


----------------------------------------------------| x2

			--Chorus 3--
			    x 2
			--End on--

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