Chords for beginners: Chords: C Em Am F C Em Am F e---0---0---0---1-| B---1---0---1---1-| G---0---0---2---2-| D---2---2---2---3-| A---3---2---0---3-| E---x---0---x---1-| Strum pattern: DDD UD DUDD chords for intermediate players: There are only 4 chords that are played throughout the song. In order to play these chords correctly as in the song, you'll need to play them as barre chords. Chords: F A Dm A# F A Dm A# e---1---5---5---6---| B---1---5---6---6---| G---2---6---7---7---| D---3---7---7---8---| A---3---7---5---8---| E---1---5---x---6---| Rhythm: The rhythm plays a HUGE role in making the song sound right and is a little complicated to play. I highly suggest you to visit on how to play the rhythm