Song:    Taxidermist Surf
Artist:  Man... or Astro-Man?
Album:   Is it... Man... or Astro-Man?

Tabbed by Brian Neal -


* Standard Tuning
* 3/5 means fret and strike 3 then slide upto 5
* Speed picking is indicated by [sp] above the note

Intro:     2x

...why not now?

|-------------(slight bend up)-|
Part A:
Play twice:
|-------------(slight bend up)-|
Chord Part (Exact rhythym not shown):
Play 2 times:
    Em       C   B    Em       G  F#      A5
Cool Riff:
Now return to Part A...when you get back here play the solo:


Octave Riffing: (Haven't got this part down yet...anyone????)
Fill 1:  Bend the 2nd string up then pick the 1st string to get
         some dissonance going...
Repeat the Octave Riffing.
Fill 2:
Repeat Octave Riffing.
Fill 3: (Variation of Fill 1)
 Fret the following very
 lightly (mute it) and
 scratch pick it rapidly    These are fully fretted.

Repeat Octave Riffing. Then repeat fill 2.
The song closes by replaying the chord parts and the cool riff.
Then end with some trilling and an open Em chord strummed
high strings to low:
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