• Song:

    She Is Suffering

  • Artist:

    Manic Street Preachers

  • Album:

    Original Album Classics

Member Name: the edge
Real Name: Alan Kells
E-mail: akdookie@hotmail.com

She Is Suffering Guitar TAB

    Em                  Em / D#                    A

E ---------------------------------------------------------
B --------------8--------------------------8---------------
G --------9--------9-----------------9--------9------------
D --------------------9-----------9--------------9---------
A --7--7-----7-----------6-----6--------6-----------0------
E ------------------------___/----------------------------

                (bass plays C)                  6 times
E ---------------------------------------------------------
B --------------2--------------------------1---------------
G --------2--------2-----------------2--------2------------
D -----2--------------2-----------2--------------2---------
A --0--------0-----------0-----0--------0-----------0------
E ------------------------___/----------------------------


Gmaj  Bmaj(strum then rake from high e to low) E5
She   is                                       Suffering

Gmaj  B                A(C.O. chord appropritely) - {da na da na da na}
She   Sucks you deeper in                           {da na da da      }

Repeat again for -

She is suffering,
 You exist within her shadow.


This is from memory

G string bent to shown pitch - 13/15  10/12  12/14  7/9

then same string             - 13/15  10/12  12/14  15/17

                             - 13/15  10/12  12/14  7/9

I can not remeber the widdly bit, but its some where around the 12th to
15th fret ont the e, B and G string.
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