• Song:

    Darling Pretty

  • Artist:

    Mark Knopfler

  • Album:

    Darling Pretty


 A   D   D   A 

 A   D   D7   E 

 A   D   Bm7   C#m

 F#m   C#m   D   A
 A   D      A     D     A
  A                  D               A
   It's time to come away   my darling pretty
                     D                      E
   It's time to come away   on the changing tide
  A             D            C#m
   Time to come away   darling pretty
  F#m             C#m       D     A
   And I need you darling   by my side
  A                  D               A
   Heal me with a smile   my darling pretty
                     D                      E
   Heal me with a smile   and a heart of gold
  A             D             C#m
   Carry me a while   my darling pretty
  F#m             C#m       D     A
   Heal my aching   heart and soul
SOLO 1 :
  A    D        A                D                E
------- | ---------- | ------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------ | 
----10- | -9-7------ | ------------- | -----10-12-10^9------9------- | ------------ | 
->9---- | -----9-11- | -9^11-9----9- | ---x------------11-9---11-11- | -9^11-11>13- | 
------- | ---------- | --------11--- | -x--------------------------- | ------------ | 
------- | ---------- | ------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------ | 
------- | ---------- | ------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------ | 
A        D     C#m        F#m    C#m    Bm7      A    
---------------------- | ----------------- | ---------- | ----------- | 
---------10-9--------- | ----------------- | ---------- | ----------- | 
-9----9-------11-9-11- | -9^11-11^9-----9- | ----6-9^6- | -4~(5)~4^2- | 
---11----------------- | ------------11--- | ->7------- | ----------- | 
---------------------- | ----------------- | ---------- | ----------- | 
---------------------- | ----------------- | ---------- | ----------- | 
  E            A   D
   Just like a castaway
  Bm7   A         Bm7     E
   Lost upon  and endless sea
  E          A   D
   I saw you far away
  Bm7      A      E
   Come to rescue me
  A                  D             A
cast away the chains, darling pretty
           D                E
cast away the chains away behind
  A             D     D       C#m
take away my pain, my darling pretty
  F#m             C#m       D     A
and the chains that once were yours and mine
A      D            A            D                   E
--------------- | ------------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------ | 
-------10-9---- | ------------------- | -12~(14)-12-10-9-12-10-9----- | ------------ | 
-----9------11- | -9-9^11-9^11-9---9- | --------------------------11- | -9-11-11>13- | 
->11----------- | ---------------11-- | ----------------------------- | ------------ | 
--------------- | ------------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------ | 
--------------- | ------------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------ | 
A         D          C#m       F#m      C#m    Bm7        A
------------------------- | -------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | 
----9-10-12-10^9--------- | -------------- | ---------5>7----- | ----------------- | 
-11--------------11^9-11- | -9^11-9-----9- | -------6-----4>2- | -4~(5)~4^2-4---2- | 
------------------------- | ---------11--- | -7^6^7----------- | ---------------2- | 
------------------------- | -------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | 
------------------------- | -------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | 

  A                D              A
there will come a day, darling pretty
                 D                   E
there will come a day when hearts can fly
  A                D         C#m
love will find a way, my darling pretty
  F#m     C#m       D     A
find a heaven for you and I
C#m         D                   C#m
love will find a way, my darling pretty
 F#m      C#m       D     A
find a heaven for you and I
A        D            A               D     E        A        D            
------------ | --------------------- | ------------------ | ----------- | ------------------------- | 
---------10- | ----10-12~(14)~12-10- | -10-9-9~(10)~9---- | -9-10----9- | -12~(14)-(14)~12-10^12-10 | 
-12~(14)---- | -11------------------ | ---------------11- | -9----11-9- | 9------------------------ | 
------------ | --------------------- | ------------------ | ----------- | ------------------------- | 
------------ | --------------------- | ------------------ | ----------- | ------------------------- | 
------------ | --------------------- | ------------------ | ----------- | ------------------------- | 
 D         C#m      F#m          C#m     D         A                 D      
----------------------- | -------------------- | -------------------------- | -------------------
-10^12-10^12^10-9-10^9- | -------------------- | ------10-12~(14)~12-10^12- | -10----10-12~(14)~12
----------------------- | 9^11-9^11~(13)~11-9- | -9^11--------------------- | ----11--------------
----------------------- | -------------------- | -------------------------- | --------------------
----------------------- | -------------------- | -------------------------- | --------------------
----------------------- | -------------------- | -------------------------- | --------------------
           A             D                E       C#m           D   
-------- | ----------------------- | --------9-10-9---------- | -----10^12^10-9---- | ---12-------- | 
10-12^10 | ---10-12-12~(14)-12-10- | -12~(14)-------12-10-10- | ---10-----------12- | -14---14-12-- | 
-------- | -11-------------------- | ------------------------ | -11---------------- | -----------14 | 
-------- | ----------------------- | ------------------------ | ------------------- | ------------- | 
-------- | ----------------------- | ------------------------ | ------------------- | ------------- | 
-------- | ----------------------- | ------------------------ | ------------------- | ------------- | 
D        C#m         F#m             C#m        Bm7           A
-12-12^14----14~(16)~14-12- | ---12^14-14-17^14---14------------ | ------------------------- | 
----------15--------------- | -14--------------14----17~(19)-17- | -15^17^15-14-15-17------- | 
--------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | -------------------14-14- | 
--------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | ------------------------- | 
--------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | ------------------------- | 
--------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | ------------------------- | 
A         D                A                   D                  E
------------ | ------------------------ | -------------------------- | ------------------- | 
------------ | -------15-14----14------ | -------------------------- | ----15^17^15-14---- | 
-16-16~(18)- | -16-14-------16---16-14- | -16-16~(18)-16~(18)~16-14- | ----------------16- | 
------------ | ------------------------ | -------------------------- | -16---------------- | 
------------ | ------------------------ | -------------------------- | ------------------- | 
------------ | ------------------------ | -------------------------- | ------------------- | 
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