			     Cadillac - Mest
Transcribed by: Memo Lopez  
Email: nemo_kq@hotmail.com 

First released track from their new album, very cool =o)
Punk Music Rules 

(about 00:10) 

Play this 4x all the song is with distorsion


PM only this part

this part play normal                                 Pm

and then  


Play this 4x 
-5-5 5----------------|--------------------------------------------------------- 
------- 2---1-1-1--2--|--3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-------------------------------- 

Now PLay The VERSE

And The CHorus AGain 

After this u r at the "ROLLIN'"-Part. 
(about 01:28) 

Play this 2x normal and at the end of the of the 2nd mute the last chords. 
At the 2nd time u have to delay the first chord a little. 


Then here is that dj-ing stuff and the muted Guitar comes in at 
(about 02:07) 

Play this here 3x and at the last time mute this chords and get louder wiv  
Play 3x this part   and then This Pm

Then at about 02:15 comes the "ROLLIN'"-part again. 

Play it 4x and at the 2nd time do some palm mute variations on the F (1-3-3  
and mute the the last one. Then play it the last 2x normal and end on this  
At the 2nd time u also have to delay the first chord and then play  


-5--LET RING THIS PART------------------------------------------------------- 

(about 02:41) 

Play this 4x and end on 4-2-2


Comments... email me!!!
Have fun playing this amazing song
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