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So this is how the song goes, the lyrics and chords should be correct, i do not 
under any circumstances own this song, I could possible take credit for such a 
great band. MINI TIGERS FTW! :3

D                         Dmaj7                           D7
I watch you through your window, I was wearing that dumb sweat shirt

                  G   Gm                         A
I looked like a goon. I was dressed for winter, even though it was the middle


G                                     D                     G
Tell me how you feel about me, do you like or like like me? Tell me how you

really feel, do you like me? (ooooOOOooOOoo) 

G         A        D   Bm      A
Juuuuuust saaaaay, you doooooooooo.

(same chords throughout)

I climbed your front porch and i door bell ditch you, I felt so bad. Couldnt cope 
to what I did so i laughed myself sick all the way to my car.

Tell me who you feel about me, do you like or like like me? Tell me how you really 
feel do you like me? Juuuuuusst saaaay, you dooooo.

(chorus repeats too more times)

I hope this works, just listen to the song and you will figure out the strumming 
and vocals, as well fake trumpet part in the endish part. Please enjoy.
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