• Song:

    Rapidash - When Time Stops

  • Artist:

    Misc Unsigned Bands

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(C)       (E)        (Am)     (F)  (C)         (Am)              (G)
Life is too short don’t move so fast lets slow it down and make it last.
   (C)       (E)        (Am)    (F)  (C)          (Am)        (G)
When we’re together just you and me time seems to slow into eternity.

(Dm)              (G)
Let’s rewind this clock
(Dm)              (G)
Stop’ in that tick tock
(Dm_              (G) (B7)
Lets be together forever

(A7)          (E7)
You make time stop
(A7)          (E7)
You make time stop
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