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Busker's Wages by Mischief Brew

g-----------------------------------------22--22--|  X2

Often the C is actualy C -> C/G but i couldn't be bothered to fill it in

C (x32010@1)    C/G (3x555x@1)    C (x32010@1)        C/G (3x555x@1)
I got beans, tea, and pennies to dollars,
Am (x02210@1)      F (133211@1)        CCanadian, (x32010@1)Euros, and Pounds.
  C (x32010@1)                                Am (x02210@1)           FI (133211@1)found some bar on a card with some scratch on the back,
         C (x32010@1)            G (320003@1)        F (133211@1)      C (x32010@1)              GIt (320003@1)says, "One drink for free. Just stop in sometime, it's on me.
Am (x02210@1)       Em (022000@1)            F (133211@1)           G (320003@1)          CBring (x32010@1)your guitar, sing of rising moons, whiskey, and jars."


C (x32010@1)   
And if I had a dime for each cigarette...
Am (x02210@1)               F (133211@1)       CLint, (x32010@1)after-dinner mints and bread. A ten
                             Am (x02210@1)         F (133211@1)        CFrom (x32010@1)father and toddler that smiled for a medley and said,
           G (320003@1)          F (133211@1)         C (x32010@1)           G"Here's (320003@1)to luck! You're pretty damn good, keep it up.
   Am (x02210@1)     Em (022000@1)       F (133211@1)   G (320003@1)         CIf (x32010@1)ever you make it on music TV think of us."

AmI'd (x02210@1)earn busker's wages,
     F (133211@1)                    CRead (x32010@1)life between pages and lines. X 2

C C# D7

D7 (xx0212@1)       F (133211@1)               CA (x32010@1)fiddle and Matty O'Boyle and I, with six wires,
      D (xx0232@1)                   FCreep (133211@1)out for a strum and a saw,
        F7 (131241@1)                
Singin' songs 'til the cops sing along.

solo eh?

C (x32010@1)    C/G (3x555x@1)    C (x32010@1)        C/G (3x555x@1) 
So tonight, I walk by the old corner,
     Am (x02210@1)         F (133211@1)      CSome (x32010@1)stranger has taken my place.
     C/G (3x555x@1)      C (x32010@1)           C/GI'll (3x555x@1)scrape the crumbs off my pocket
    Am (x02210@1)       F (133211@1)      CAnd (x32010@1)spice up a clarinet case.


AmI'd (x02210@1)earn busker's wages,
     F (133211@1)                    CRead (x32010@1)life between pages and lines. X 4
         G (320003@1)    F (133211@1)         C (x32010@1)        GNow (320003@1)when I snap up and wrap up for the drive,

Am (x02210@1)         Em (022000@1)        F (133211@1)       G (320003@1)    Am (x02210@1) 
I think of the best money I've ever made in my x 2
  Am (x02210@1)         Em (022000@1)        F (133211@1)       G (320003@1)       CI (x32010@1)think of the best money i've ever made in my life

Intro x 1

Enjoy! Olly.
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