• Song:

    How Is It We Are Here

  • Artist:

    Moody Blues

(Mike Pinder 1970)
   Em        Am                            F
1) How is it we are here.. on this path we walk
   Em               Am                Em                 F
   in this world of point-less fear.. filled with emp-ty talk.
   Em           Am                Em                     F
   De-scend-ing from the ape as scien-tist priests all think.
   Em                Am                  Em                F      G7
   Will they save us in the end? we're trem-bling on the brink.....
(Em-Am 4x's)
  Em            Am             Em              F
2)Men's might-y mine ma-chines dig-ging in the ground
  Em             Am          Em                F
  steal-ing rare min-er-als  where can they be found.
  Em                   Am          Em         F
  Con-crete eaves with i-ron doors bur-y it a-gain.
  Em                Am                Em                 F        G7
  While a starv-ing fright-ened world fills the sea with grain.....
    Her love is like a fire burn-ing in-side.
    Her love is so much high-er, can't be de-nied.
   F                        E
    She sends us her glo-ry, it's al-ways been there.
   F                           G7                                C        B
    Her love's all a-round us, it's been there for you and me to share......
              (Em-Am 4x's)             (Guitar Solo)

3) (repeat verse 2)
          Em        Am           Em Am   Em        Am            Em Am
          How is it we are here?         How is it we are here?
          Em        Am           Em Am   Em        Am            Em Am
          How is it we are here?         How is it we are here?
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