• Song:

    Roll Away Your Stone

  • Artist:

    Mumford And Sons

  • Album:

    Deluxe Companion

Open D Tuning: DADF#AD

Capo 2nd fret

x - Muted string
h - hammeron
p - pulloff
/ - slide

Look at this chart for the chords

 B  B/D B/Gb B/F# Gb   G    A   D

There's a hammer-on thing here and there on the open strings (D-chord)
You'll have to listen for it but it goes like this:

Normal strumming   Faster strumming   Listen to it and you'll get it
 D U D D           D U D U D U






Strumming pattern for verse is Down Up Down Down x4 for each chord
Palm muting on verse if you like to.

D              G                     D
Roll away your stone, I'll roll away mine

D               G                D
Together we can see what we will find

D               G            D
Don't leave me alone at this time

    A             G                      D       (Single strums here)
For I'm afraid of what I will discover inside


Chorus: Strumming, Down Down Up Down
You'll have to listen for the changes here.

B             B/D         B/Gb  B/F# D
Darkness is a harsh term, don't you    think?

B              B/D       B/Gb   B/F#  D
And yet it dominates the things I see

Now I will make this very detailed for you:
B: Down Down Up Down Down Down Up
B/D: Down Down Up Down
B/Gb: Down Up
B/F#: Down Up
D: Down Down Up Down

And then there's the hammeron thing.


Before this, put your finger over the 12th fret relative to capo.
Let your fingers rest on the strings and now strum it and you'll get the thing there.

Strumming pattern: Down Down Up Down

D Gb  G         D      Gb             G  D
Stars hide your fires, these here are my desires
    Gb      G         A
And I won't give them up to you this time around
    D    Gb G       D             Gb          G       D
And soooooo I'll be found with my stake stuck in this ground
Gb          G         A                         D      Gb
Marking the territory of this newly impassioned sooooooul
G         D      Gb             G  D       (and so on, and so on)
Hide your fires, these here are my desires


Single strums here

    D           D        G        D
And you, you've gone too far this time
    D            G          D
You have neither reason nor rhyme
     D        G         D
With which to take this soul
           A          D
That is so rightfully mine


Have fun
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