• Song:

    I Cannot Be Loved

  • Artist:

    My Dying Bride

  • Album:

    A Line of Deathless Kin...

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                           M Y   D Y I N G   B R I D E


                        I   C A N N O T   B E   L O V E D

                            A LINE OF DEATHLESS KINGS
                          (c) Peaceville Records - 2006

                     Tune Down  1 & 1/2 Steps [5-String Bass]
                                   G# C# F# B E

                                  Tempo = 64 BPM
                               Time Signature = 3/4

                                  Transcribed by

                                  PADDY MCMULLAN
                            pmtabs (@t) gmail [dot] com

                                   Version 1.0
                                 31st July  2010

                             Tablature Symbols Used:

 \         -  Slide Down to/Down From
 /         -  Slide Up To/Up From
 ( / )     -  Legato Slide
 ( )       -  Ghost Note/Tied Note/Implied Note
 REST      -  Rest and sustain rest for duration of blank space
 |__[1,2]  -  Alternative Endings

Section 1: Play once

| |------------| |------------R-  -|--     ------------|------------R-  -|
|3|------------|3|------------E-  -|--     ------------|------------E-  -|
|/|------------|/|------------S-  -|--     ------------|--1------1--S-  -|
|8|--6-3--2--3-|4|------------T-  -|--     --6-3--2--3-|------------T-  -|
| |------------| |--0------0-------|-------------------|-----------------|

|--     ------------| |
|--     ------------|*|
|--     ------------| | x 2
|--     --6-3--2--3-|*|
|-------------------| |



| |---------| |-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|
| |---------| |-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|


Section 2: Play once





Section 3: Play twice


|--------------------| |
|--------------------| | x 2
|--3------------3----| |

Section 4: Play twice [ Tempo = 73 BPM ]

||--0h 7-7-7-7\ 6-6-6-6\ 5-5\ 3-3-4-3-2-|

|----------------------------------------| |
|----------------------------------------| | x 2
|----------------------------------------| |

Repeat the first 4 bars of Section 2 twice [ Tempo = 67 ]

Repeat Section 3

Repeat Section 4 four times [ Tempo = 74 BPM ]

Section 5: Play 4 times 

||-----------------------------------------| |
||--7--7-7-7--7--7\ 6-6\ 2-2-2-2-2-1-2-1-0-| | x 3
||-----------------------------------------| |

|----------------------------------------| |-----------| |
|--7--7-7-7--7--7\ 6-6\ 2-2-2-2-2-1-2-2--|/|--(2)------|/|
|----------------------------------------| |-----------| |

Section 6: Play 4 times

||-------------------|--------------------| |
||-------------------|-----------1--------| | x 4
||-------------------|--------------------| |


Rest for 13 bars

Repeat Section 3

Outro: Play twice


|-------------------| |
|-------------------| | x 2
|--3----------------| |




Tab summary:        Section 1 x 1
                    Section 2 x 1
                    Section 3 x 2
                    Section 4 x 2
                    Section 2 x 2
                    Section 3 x 2
                    Section 4 x 4
                    Section 5 x 4
                    Section 6 x 4
                    Section 3 x 2
                    Outro x 2

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