Point Blank Tab by Nailbomb


                          NAILBOMB-POINT BLANK
                             Vai Toma No Cu     

Heres 2 rhythms, Verse and Chorus

jamesj@svpal.org                    |   Questions/Comments, email  me |
Face Down Arms out                  |    I'll respond to all          |
  Nailed to the Cross of Doubt      |                                 |
Blood Runs Like Rain                |**********************************
  Drowning For This World In Vain   |Fav Bands                        |
Crown Of Black Thorns               |Megadeth/Slayer/Pantera/Sepultura|
  Human Skin, Ripped and torn       |Deicide/Nailbomb/Fear Factory/   |
Where is Your Savior now?           |Ministry/Machine Head/           |
       --Burton C. Bell/Fear Factory|                                 |
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