The Grace - Neverending White Lights ft. Dallas Green

Tune half step down.

Capo on 4

I find this way easier to play than the other tabs (as far as chord transitioning).

im not sure what the second chord is in the chorus/couple other parts of the song. 
so I have decided to call it D*

D* is    --0--

ok so...


G - Bm - Em  (3x)

G	             Bm          Em
In better days I've been known to listen
G	            Bm       Em 
I go to waste all my time is missing 

G	           Bm                  
I'm mapping out my ending, 

it's never gonna happen now 

G	                  Bm             
These things are condescending 

with everybody backing down 

G	                 Bm           Em
You pray to stars that can help you get by

G	            Bm       Em
And all at once you forget to try 

G	          Bm
I'd go there if you let me,

they're never gonna find me now 

G	          Bm
My life is always empty
and in and out of doubt 

D*				Em		                
Your not coming back for me, these things they will never be 
D*			      Em                        D*        Em
I'm so used to being wrong, so put me where I belong 

I'll get back to you, 

God knows I try,
G		  Bm
but I still lose 

And I get back to you, 

these days run by,

G		Bm       G (silent)
but I still lose 

D*	Em (2x) ? like Chorus

G	 Bm            Em
Angels say they can make you suffer 

G	     Bm           Em
They give and take like a vicious lover 

G	          Bm
When all this loses meaning, 

You'll never want it back somehow 

G         Bm
Awake but still I'm dreaming 

And never waking up 

D*				Em					
Your not coming back for me, these things they will never be 

D*                          Em   		      D*           Em 
I'm so used to being wrong, so put me where I belong 

I'll get back to you, 

God knows I try,
G		Bm
but I still lose 

And I get back to you, 

these days run by,

G		Bm       A(silent)
but I still lose         lose

D*	Em (2x) ? like Chorus

D*			   Em
Alone...Where I'm not alone  (4x)

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