PREFACE BY UPLOADER:  I did not tab this. Credit goes to Chris Haley who did an amazing 
This is one of my favorite Nick Drake songs and I was very sad to see no one had tabbed 
so after a little digging i found this and though I'd share it.  Enjoy.


Tuning BBDGBE (low E string down to B, A up to B)
Capo 3rd Fret

This is one of those songs where every bar seems to have something
different in it. I've tried to transcribe just the major
variations, as frankly it's far too long already.

Intro (timing very free):



"Riff A"

|----4-----4-----4-----4---2--2--|4---| and continue
|----4--4--4--4--4--4--4---2--2--|4---| as for
|0-----0-----0-----0---------0-0-|----| previous bar

"Riff B"

     i         i                        l             l
 r   r         r                  r                     r
 m             m                  m     m             m m

rpt bar and a half of "Riff B" (with obvious rhythm difference at start),

"Riff C"


Verse lines 1 and 4:

|----4-----4-----4-----4-----4---|--2-----2-------| (followed by
|----4--4--4--4--4--4--4--4--4--0|--2--0--2---2---| riff A or C)

verse lines 2 and 3:

|----4-----4-----2-----2-----2---|--1-----1-------| (followed by
|----4--4--4--4--4--4--4--4--4--0|--2--0--2---2---| riff A or C)

before 2nd verse: once through Riff B with minor variations at end, then:

|----4-----4---4-----4-----4-----|--2-------0-----| (then riff A
|----------------4-----4-----4---|----2-------2---| leads into
|0-----0-----0-----0-----0-----0-|0-----0-------0-| next verse)

after verse 2:


(rpt 1st 3 bars then)

|--2--4-5-4-2-4--|--2--5--4--4----| (x3: last bar slows
|----------------|----------------| down and the 1st pair of
|--2--4-5-4-2-4--|--2--5--4--4----| 4's become 2's, where
|--0---0-0-0-0-0-|--0---0-0-0-0-0-| it stops)

(then, in triplet rhythm:)

|--4-4---4-4---4-2-| (x4)

"3 hrs from leaving" verse 1st line:

|---------|      |-----(0)----------|------2--0--------|
|---0--0--|      |---0--0-----0--0--|---0--------3--2--|
|--4-4--4-|      |--2-2--2---2-2--2-|--4-4--4--4--4--4-|
|-4---4--4| (x4) |-2---2--2-2---2--2|-4---4--4--4--4--4|
|0--------|      |0-----0--0--------|0-----0--0--0--0--|
|---------|      |------------------|------------------|
                                          (bar "D")
2nd and 3rd lines:

|-----(2)-|      |---------|      |-----(0)-|
|---0--0--|      |---0--0--|      |---0--0--|
|--4-4--4-| (x2) |--2-2--2-| (x2) |--1-1--1-| then bar D
|-4---4--4|      |-4---4--4|      |-2---2--2|
|0--------|      |0--------|      |0--------|
|---------|      |---------|      |---------|

4th line as 1st but with simplified end. next instrumental bit:

|------0-(7)-0-----| 0 0          |---------|---------|
|---7-----7-----7--| 7 7          |---0--0--|---0--0--|
|--7-7---7-7---7-7-| 7 6  (same   |--4-4--2-|--4-4--4-|
|-7---7-7---7-7---7| 6 5 picking) |-4---4--2|-4---4--4|
|0-----0-----0-----| 0 0          |0--------|0--------|
|------------------|              |---------|---------|

rpt to end of 05670 (playing the (7) this time) then:

|---------|      |-----(0)-|      |------1--|      |------0--2--0-----|
|---0--0--|      |---0--0--|      |---3-----|      |---4-----------4--|
|--2-2--2-|      |--1-1--1-|      |--0-0--0-|      |--4-4---4-4---4-4-|
|-4---4--4| (x2) |-2---2--2| (x2) |-3---3--3| (x2) |-4---4-4---4-4---4|
|0--------|      |0--------|      |0--------|      |0-----------------|
|---------|      |---------|      |---------|      |------------------|

rpt excluding end bar.

intro to final verse is Riff B, then bar and a half of Riff B,
then a couple of Riff C's

Final verse as per verse above. Out of final verse:

|----4-----4-----4-----4---4-----| (x3)



Tabbed by Chris Healey. Eventually.
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