• Song:

    Do This Anymore

  • Artist:


Band: Nickelback
Song: Do this anymore
Album: The long road
tabbed by: Stefaan 


Hi dudes & chicks,
This song is my favourite of the new album so I gave it my best shot!

Tab Key
h = hammer on
f = feedback
 = slide up the neck (lower note to higher note)
/ = slide down the neck (higher note to lower note)
^ = harmonic
..= strumming pattern not shown listen to the record for strumming patterns
~ = let the chord ring
v = vibrato
PM |..| = Palm mute notes between the 2 bars

Tuning: Drop-C (CGCFAD)
	for those who don't know: Drop-D and then tune down another whole step

This thing starts off with some feedbacking noises. I don't have the 
boss DF-2 (distortion-feedbacker) around right now so I'm going to tab it in
some notes you can just sustain/feedback and will sound about ok...

this is the distorted note in the distance
D |---|
A |---|
F |-7-|
C |-7-|
G |-5-|
C |-0-|

"left on an eastbound train"
D |----------------------------|
A |----------------------------|
F |----------------------------|
C |-5f-----8f----3f----10f-----|
G |----------------------------|
C |----------------------------|

This thing is really hard to tab out because of the effects used. Don't start 
telling me I'm off at this, I know! 
I tried to get as close as I can but any suggestions on this are welcome!. 
I basically improvise with [0577xx] and [x355xx] as base chords.

D |---------------------------------|
A |---------------------------------|
F |-----------7-----7---7-------7---|
C |--------7----------7-----------7-|
G |---5-5-------x-x-------5--5------|
C |-0-------------------------------|

D |--------------------------|
A |--------------------------|
F |----------5-----5---5-----|
C |------5---------5---5-----|
G |-3-3----3---x-x---3---3---|
C |--------------------------|

"No, I don't, I don't, no I don't "
D |---------------------------------|
A |---------------------------------|
F |---------------------------------|
C |-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-310-10-10-10-10--|
G |-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-310-10-10-10-10--|
C |-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-310-10-10-10-10--|
    |-------release palm-mute---->|

D |---------------------------------------------------------|
A |---------------------------------------------------------|
F |---------------------------------------------------------|
C |-0h3-0--0--10/3-3--3---------------8h10-10-10-8h10-10-10-|
G |-0h3-0--0--10/3-3--3------8--8-----8h10-10-10-8h10-10-10-|
C |-0h3-0--0--10/3-3--3----0-8--8---0-8h10-10-10-8h10-10-10-|
   P.M.                   |.|      |.|    |.....|    |.....|                   

D |-----------------------------------------------------|
A |-----------------------------------------------------|
F |-----------------------------------------------------|
C |-0--0--10/3-3--3---------------8h10-10-10-8h10-10-10-|
G |-0--0--10/3-3--3------8--8-----8h10-10-10-8h10-10-10-|
C |-0--0--10/3-3--3----0-8--8---0-8h10-10-10-8h10-10-10-|

D |-----------------------------------------------|--------|
A |-----------------------------------------------|--------|
F |-----------------------------------------------|-Repeat-|
C |-0--0--x-x-x-x--3--3--x-x--x-8----8-----5----3-|--1x----|
G |-0--0--x-x-x-x--3--3--x-x--x-8----8-----5----3-|--------|
C |-0--0--x-x-x-x--3--3--x-x--x-8----8---0-5--0-3-|--------|

D |-------------------------------------|
A |-------------------------------------|
F |-------------------------------------|
C |-8-8-8-8-3-3-3-3-10-10-10-10---5---7-|
G |-8-8-8-8-3-3-3-3-10-10-10-10---5---7-|
C |-8-8-8-8-3-3-3-3-10-10-10-10-0-5-0-7-|


D |-------------------------------------|
A |-----------------6-5-6-6b8r6-5h6----|
F |-37~~/-5~~--------------------------|
C |-------------------------------------|
G |-------------------------------------|
C |-------------------------------------|
   (1st Guitar) w/distortion & reverb
D |-------------------------------------|
A |-------------------------------------|
F |-------------------------------------|
C |-0-0-0-0-3-3-3-3-8-8-8-8-10-10-10-10-|
G |-0-0-0-0-3-3-3-3-8-8-8-8-10-10-10-10-|
C |-0-0-0-0-3-3-3-3-8-8-8-8-10-10-10-10-|
   (2nd Guitar) w/distortion

D |-------------------------------------|
A |------------------6-5-68-----------|
F |-37~~/-5~~--------------------------|
C |-------------------------------------|
G |-------------------------------------|
C |-------------------------------------|
   (1st Guitar)
D |-------------------------------------|
A |-------------------------------------|
F |-------------------------------------|
C |-0-0-0-0-3-3-3-3-8-8-8-8-10-10-10-10-|
G |-0-0-0-0-3-3-3-3-8-8-8-8-10-10-10-10-|
C |-0-0-0-0-3-3-3-3-8-8-8-8-10-10-10-10-|
   (2nd Guitar)

D |-----------15b17-15-13-15b17-15-13-------------|
A |-13-15-13--------------------------13p15-13p15-|
F |-----------------------------------------------|
C |-----------------------------------------------|
G |-----------------------------------------------|
C |-----------------------------------------------|
   (1st Guitar)
D |-------------------------------------|
A |-------------------------------------|
F |-------------------------------------|
C |-8-8-8-8-3-3-3-3-10-10-10-10---5---7-|
G |-8-8-8-8-3-3-3-3-10-10-10-10---5---7-|
C |-8-8-8-8-3-3-3-3-10-10-10-10-0-5-0-7-|
    (2nd Guitar)

D |----15b17-15--13-15b17-15-13-15b~-| <-sustain last note and gratudally bend up!
A |-13-------------------------------|
F |----------------------------------|
C |----------------------------------|
G |----------------------------------|
C |----------------------------------|
   (1st Guitar) 
D |---------------------|
A |---------------------|
F |---------------------|
C |-8-8-8-8-3-3-3-3-10~-|
G |-8-8-8-8-3-3-3-3-10~-|
C |-8-8-8-8-3-3-3-3-10~-|
    (2nd Guitar)

To make it more messy they just HAD to put in an accoustic somewhere!
These are just bassically the notes from the intro!
Mess around and see what sounds best!

D |----------------------------|
A |----------------------------|
F |----------------------------|
C |-5------8-----3-----10------|
G |----------------------------|
C |----------------------------|

Left on an eastbound train 
Gone first thing this morning 
Why is what's best for you 
Always the worst thing for me 
When am I gonna learn 
Why cuz I'm tired of hating 
When will it be your turn 
Why cuz I'm tired of waiting 

No, I don't, I don't, no I don't 
No I don't find faith in your false feelings 
Not through my own misleading 
Who'll buy this lie you're selling 
Tired of this lie you're telling 
I don't, I won't 
No I won't do this anymore (2x) 

Says I'm only tellin half of it 
That's probably cause, 
There's only half worth tellin 
Every time I try to laugh it off 
That's when we turn around 
And wind up yellin 
When am I gonna learn 
Why cuz I'm tired of hating 
When will it be your turn 
Why cuz I'm tired of waiting 

No, I don't, I don't, no I don't 
No I don't find faith in your false feelings 
Not through my own misleading 
Who'll buy this lie you're selling 
Tired of this lie you're telling 
I don't, I won't 
No I won't do this anymore (2x) 

Says I'm only tellin half of it 
That's probably cause, 
There's only half worth tellin 
Every time I try to laugh it off 
That's when we turn around 
And wind up yellin 
When am I gonna learn 
Why cuz I'm tired of waiting 
When will it be your turn 
Why cuz I'm tired of hating 

No, I don't, I don't, no I don't 
No I don't find faith in your false feelings 
Not through my own misleading 
Who'll buy this lie you're selling 
Tired of this lie you're telling 
I don't, I won't 
No I won't do this anymore (2x)
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