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Tuning low to high G G C F A D

|-5-7--3-5--1--|---1--1--1--1----|-0-let ring----|----------------|
PM                 .  .  .

                                 "Self preserved..."

 "and the hard luck..."

 "So unoriginal..."



 "Under the sun the..."

 "You live for..."

               "It's not..." 

 "walked into..."

 "under arrest..."

 "cut the flowers..."

 "never come to..."


|--------------------------| x2

|---13bu1/2--let ring------------------|

                      "shoot so silver..."
|---13bu1/2--let ring-------------------|




 "Some words of..."


 "a sham..."


|-0---1--4--3--0--1--|--0--1--4--3--0--1---| x2
PM    .  .  .  .        .  .  .  .  .  

PM    .  .  .  .        .  .  .  .  .

|--------------------|---------------------| let last notes ring
PM    .  .  .  .        .  .  .  .  .
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