• Song:

    Room No 66

  • Artist:

    Park Bench Society

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hi guys this is my first tab so please comment any feedback

intro: Em G D C (repeated through the whole song)
Dressed to impress but success slips from her finger tips, 
 Sure to catch something in those fish nets tonight, 
 Don't know where she’s going don’t know where she thinks she is, 
 Trying to slip away, slipping out of sight, 
 And on the street corner at half past late, 
 Louring the sharks in with her bait but, 
 She don't mind if they bite, 
I Want to go back to before this started doing everything so half-hearted 
 Ain't putting up a fight,

Up to the room number 66, 
 Where all the boys go to get their kicks, 
 And she knows she don't deserve this, 
 But the knocks at the door ain't room service, 
 And up to the room number 66, 
 Trying to solve problems she can’t fix, 
 Fed up of all the usual tricks, 
 Where all the boys go to get their kicks 
 Feeling so tense every word they say is tightening the vice, 
 Trying to stay that one step ahead, 
 But tempting sharks is a dangerous game so tread carefully, 
 Cause every shark needs to be fed, 
 The waves hit her and she begins to panic, going the same way as titanic, 
 There’s plenty more fish in the sea, 
 But I don’t know why she’s back for more, 
 Just look at the number on the door, 
 Cause that is where she’ll be.

Up to the room number 66, 
 Where all the boys go to get their kicks, 
 And she knows she don’t deserve this, 
 But the knocks at the door ain't room service, 
 And up to the room number 66, 
 Trying to solve problems she can’t fix, 
 Fed up of all the usual tricks, 
 Where all the boys go to get their kicks 
 No, I know it’s been a long time, no, I know it’s been a long time, 
 Trouble shooting faults in your mind, 
 No, I know it’s been a long time; oh it’s been a long time 
 Contradicting words in your mind,

Up to the room number 66, 
 Where all the boys go to get their kicks, 
 And she knows she don’t deserve this, 
 But the knocks at the door ain’t room service, 
 And up to the room number 66, 
 Trying to solve problems she can’t fix, 
 Fed up of all the usual tricks, 
 Where all the boys go to get their kicks
                                                    Learn to play "Park Bench Society" with online video lessons

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            var acc_tuning           = "E A (x02220@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D G (320003@1)name="chord_x2444x@1">B E";
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