• Song:

    My Happiness

  • Artist:


  • Album:

    Fingerprints: The Best ...

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=      Powderfinger - My Happiness       =      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   
=              Tabbed By                 =      ~ Tuning: Standard ~
=                 Navi                   =      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

* Intro * 
Intro Aquistic: Fmaj7      |C     |Fmaj7    |C		     	
Strum Patern  : *  *  *^*  |* *^* |*  *^*^* |^*

Intro Lead: 
	   	  (Fmaj7 - Aquistic starts) 	
e ||-----------------------------------------------------------||
B ||-----------------------------------------------------------||
G ||-------5---7---9-------5---7---9-------5-------------------|| (x2)
D ||---7---------------7---------------7-----------------------||
A ||-----------------------------------------------------------||
E ||-----------------------------------------------------------||

* Verse:1 *
Verse Lead: 

e ||---------------------------||
B ||---------------------------||
G ||-------5---7---9-------5---||
D ||---7---------------7-------||
A ||---------------------------||
E ||---------------------------||

	   Fmaj7                C 	   Fmaj7  C
I see your shadow on the street now
	   Fmaj7               C 	   Fmaj7  C
I hear you push trough the rusty gate
             Fmaj7                C 	   Fmaj7  C
Pick up your heels on the concrete
	       Fmaj7                 C 	   Fmaj7  C
Waiting for a "not coming, way to late"
            Fmaj7                C 	   Fmaj7  C
It seems an age since I've seen you
	         Fmaj7            C 	   Fmaj7  C
Countdown as the weeks tricle int-o days

* Pre Chorus *                             
Pre Chorus Lead: 

e ||-------------------------------||
B ||---10--8-----10--8--10--10--8--||
G ||----------9--------------------|| (x2)
D ||-------------------------------||
A ||-------------------------------||
E ||-------------------------------||

Strum Patern : *  ^* *^*^**   (Between Chords)

Em                           Am
So, you come in and put your bags down
Em                          Am 
I know there's something in me, yeah
Em                             G (Just strum on 8th beats, Drums(D) start)
How can I do this to you right now
 (G and drum(D) till Chorus)
Your over there when I need you here

Drums: D> C A F    (Role from C) 

* Chorus *
(Lead just strikes Chords but Aquistic follows strum pattern)

   F     C-G-F
My ha-piness is slowly creeping back
     F       C-G-F
Now, your at home
                  F       C-G-F
If it ever starts sinking in
		         F      C-G-F	
It must be when you pack up and go...

* Intro *

* Verse:2 *
            Fmaj7                C 	   Fmaj7  C
It seems an age since I've seen you
                 Fmaj7                C    Fmaj7  C
Countdown as the weeks tricle into days
	    Fmaj7                C 	   Fmaj7  C
I hope that time hasn't changed you
	     Fmaj7              C 	   Fmaj7  C
All I really want is for you to stay

* Pre Chorus *

* Chorus *

* Bridge *
Bridge Lead: 

e ||-------------------------------||
B ||---10--8-----10--8--10--10--8--||
G ||----------9--------------------|| (x4)
D ||-------------------------------||
A ||-------------------------------||
E ||-------------------------------||

  F       C            G-F 
I know, I know what is inside  (x4)

* Lead Brake *

e ||----------------------------------------------|
B ||----------------------------------------------|
G ||-------5---7---9-------5---7---9-------5------| (x2)
D ||---7---------------7---------------7----------|
A ||----------------------------------------------|
E ||----------------------------------------------|
                                                    (Pleck scratch)
e ||---------------------|         
B ||---10-----10-----8---|
G ||-------9------9------| (x2)
D ||---------------------|
A ||---------------------|
E ||---------------------|

e ||--------------------||
B ||---8-(Pl_s)---10----||
G ||------------9-------||
D ||--------------------||
A ||--------------------||
E ||--------------------||
 (G and drum(D) till Chorus)
Your over there when I need you here

Drums: D> C A F    (Role from C)                       

* Chorus *   (x2)

* Outro *  

e ||-----------------------------------------------------||
B ||---10--8-----10--8--10--10--8-(Let ring on 2nd time)-||
G ||----------9------------------------------------------|| (x2)
D ||-----------------------------------------------------||
A ||-----------------------------------------------------||
E ||-----------------------------------------------------||

~~~~~~~                                   ~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
~ Key ~                                   ~ Chords ~   ~ 0: Play clean ~
~~~~~~~                                   ~~~~~~~~~~   ~ X: Don't play ~        
x      Scratch                                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   
:      Let ring                              -654321-         (For Lead:)   
/      Slide                      Fmaj7       X03210         [C]  [F]  [G]
b      Bend                       C           X32010     {6}  X    X    X          
br     Bend and release           Em          022000     {5}  3    8    10          
h      Hammer                     Am          X02210     {4}  5    10   12        
p      Pick                       G           320003     {3}  5    10   12           
pl_s   Pleck scratch              F           133211     {2}  X    X    X
[_]    Palm mute                                         {1}  X    X    X
...    Let ring			 	
*      Strum down		
^      Strum up			
()     Tips & Hints		

This is one of my favourate songs of all time and not so hard,
but keep it up and this would just be a nother everest you've conquered!

E-mail me at navi@tuks.co.za
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