Song: Double Time Band: Pre_Shrunk EP: Exhibit (a) Tabbed by Manda ( & Matt ( Cool, the first drop D I have come across with Pre_Shrunk. This is total crap (the tab, I mean, not the song!), but I thought I'd add the little bit that I know. This is the intro/slapping bit out of the song, I know I haven't tabbed it correctly, but I thought I'd give some indication on how to do it so that someone can come along, get inspired and tab Dave and Davage's bits seperately. Cool? Intro/Slap bit: T T T T P T T T T G| ------------|------------| D| ---------5--|------------| A| ------------|-----3-5----| D| -0-0-3-5----|-0-0--------| As I said, not right, but the right chords at least. G|-------------------------------------------------| D| -5p3-------------------5p3---------5^6p5-3------| A| -------5-3-5------3-5-------5-3-5------------5--| E| --------------5-5-------------------------------| That gets played a few times at the start until the 'relaxation...' bit kix in, then it's.... G| ----------------------------| D|-5-3-------------------------| A| -----5-5-0-3-0-3^5-5-5-3-5\-| E| ----------------------------| Then towards the end this gets played a bit (slight variation of the start thingy....) G| -----------------------------------------------| D|-6p4-------------------6p4---------6^7p6-4------| A| ------6-4-6------4-6-------6-4-6------------6--| E| -------------6-6-------------------------------|