Primus ? Lacquer head
From the album antipop
Transcribed by James Lindsay
Played on fretted 4 string bass tunes E, A, D, G
updated: 25/3/04


X = muted note
L = left hand tap
R = right hand tap
T = thumb slap
P = pop
S = strum
Bd = bend down
/ = Slide down
TS = Thumb slide


Notes: the intro and verse are a lot harder than they look. Place your hand so your left hand index finger covers from the 2nd fret A string to the 2nd fret G string. Your middle and ring finger should rest on 3rd fret E string. To get the pop sound Les does I place the inside of my index finger knuckle right over the G string and press down gently, play about with it until you get the right sound. You should be playing steady rhythms with both hands its pretty easy to play them separately but its putting them together that?s the hard part, practise the rhythm slowly and listen to the CD.

|-3-----3------| Repeat this measure 14 times
  L  T  L  P

  L  p    L  T  L  P


|-3-----3------| Repeat this measure 20 times
  L  T  L  P

  T   T      

|-3-----3------| Repeat this measure 7 times 
  L  T  L  P

  T   T      

|-3-----3------| Repeat this measure 10 times 
  L  T  L  P

  T   T    T L  T  T  

|-3-----3------| Repeat this measure 8 times

  T   T      

|-3-----3------| Repeat this measure 8 times
  L  T  L  P

  T   T     
|-3-----3------| Repeat this measure 8 times
  L  T  L  P

  L  T  L  P


  S  S  T T P   T   T   P L T  P T T P   T   T   P L T P

  S  S  T T P   T   T   P L T  P T T P   T   T   P L T P T T P   T    T  P L T P  

  T T P   T

Bass solo

|-0h3-x----3-------| repeat 8 times
  T   T  P L T T

  T   T P   T

Verse repeat

Chorus repeat

Bridge pt. 1

  L     R  R   TS     
Notes: slide your thumb up the fret board as you play the muted notes

|-3bd--------x-x-x-x-x-x-| repeat measure 17 times
  L    R  R  T T T T T T

Bridge pt. 2

|---0-0---------------------| repeat measure 3 times
  P T T T P          T T T

  P T T T  P          T T S S S 

  P T T T P          T T T

  P T T T  P          T T S S S 

  P T T T P          T T T

  P T T T  P          T T S S S 

Final Chorus

  S  S  T T P   T   T   P L T  P T T P   T   T   P L T P

  S  S

   T T P   T   T   P L T   P T T P   T   T   P L T P


|--0-0------|repeat measure 8 times
   T T P   

Notes: well that?s it, as close as I can get to the real lacquer head; this is a great song and is pretty hard for bass. Enjoy. If you are confused by anything just email me or leave a comment.
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