• Song:

    Never Knew

  • Artist:

    Rocket Summer

okay, so i tried to find a tab for this song...
but i couldnt...
so i wrote one.
please bear in mind that its only as accurate as a
piano tune transcribed for guitar can be. i did my
best, and i think it plays quite nice on accoustic.
this is also my first tab. enjoy!

capo 1st fret.
work out the timing yourself.
its easy if you know the song.

            Bbm7                Db                    F#maj7
B/------- 3 - 1 --- 1 ------ 3 - 1 --- 1 ------- 1 --- 1 ------- 0 - 1 ----
G/---- 0 ---------- 0 --- 0 ---------- 0 ------- 2 --- 2 --- 0 - 0 - 0 ----
D/- 2 ---------- 2 --- 2 ---------- 2 --- 3 - 3 --------- 3 ---------------
A/- 0 ---------------- 3 ---------------- 3 ------- 3 ---------------------|

B/------- 3 - 1 --- 1 ------ 3 - 1 --- 1 ------- 1 --- 1 - 1 --------------
G/---- 0 ---------- 0 --- 0 ---------- 0 ------- 2 --- 2 - 2 --------------
D/- 2 ---------- 2 --- 2 ---------- 2 --- 3 - 3 ---------------------------
A/- 0 ---------------- 3 ---------------- 3 ------- 3 ---------------------|
	"i just ran into a few someones today..."

e/--------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 0 ---------
B/------- 3 - 1 --- 1 ------ 3 - 1 --- 1 ------- 1 -- 1 --------- 1 - 3 - 0
G/---- 0 ---------- 0 --- 0 ---------- 0 ------- 2 -- 2 - 2 ---------------
D/- 2 ---------- 2 --- 2 ---------- 2 --- 3 - 3 ---------------------------
A/- 0 ---------------- 3 ---------------- 3 ------ 3 ----------------------|
	"...someones that i never really knew..."

e/---------------------------------------------------- 0 ----- 0 ----------
B/------- 3 - 1 --- 1 ------ 3 - 1 --- 1 ----- (strum) 1 ----- 0 ----------
G/---- 0 ---------- 0 --- 0 ---------- 0 ------------- 2 ----- 0 ----------
D/- 2 ---------- 2 --- 2 ----------------------------- 3 ----- 2 ----------
A/- 0 ---------------- 3 ----------------------------- 3 ----- 2 ----------|
E/------------------------------------------------------------ 0 ----------|
"...and i used to think how i had them all so figured out..."

continue strumming with added embelishments
between the chord changes

	F#maj7       Db        Bbm        Fm7
e--// --------- 0 -------- 0 -------- 0 -------- 0 ------------- -
B--// --------- 1 -------- 1 -------- 1 - 3p1 -- 0 ------------- -
G--// --------- 2 - 0h2 -- 0 -------- 2 -------- 0 ------------- -
D--// --------- 3 -------- 2 -------- 2 -------- 0-------------- -
A--// --------- 3 -------- 3 -------- 0 -------- 2 ------------- -
E--// ------------------------------------------ 0 ------------- -
	"...but no, none of its true, cuz i never knew you
and now, the truth of it is, i wanna be like you..."

            F#maj7       Db         F#maj7                 Db
"...so hello, good friend, i wanna be next to you
                 F#maj7          Db                 Fm7
     for my head, for my heart, for its true..."

fret the top E and B notes on the 3rd fret halfway through
the strumming pattern for Fm7

e/--------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 0 ---------
B/------- 3 - 1 --- 1 ------ 3 - 1 --- 1 ------- 1 -- 1 --------- 1 - 3 - 0
G/---- 0 ---------- 0 --- 0 ---------- 0 ------- 2 -- 2 - 2 ---------------
D/- 2 ---------- 2 --- 2 ---------- 2 --- 3 - 3 ---------------------------
A/- 0 ---------------- 3 ---------------- 3 ------ 3 ----------------------|

"...so im burning the thoughts of the things that i once said..."

the strumming pattern for Fm7
stressing the key notes by picking

e/---------------------------------------------------------------- 9 - \1
B/------- 3 - 1 --- 1 ------ 3 - 1 --- 1 ------- 1 - 1 -- 1 - 6h7 -------
G/---- 0 ---------- 0 --- 0 ---------- 0 ------- 2 - 2 -- 2 -------------
D/- 2 ---------- 2 --- 2 ---------- 2 --- 3 - 3 -------- 3 --------------
A/- 0 ---------------- 3 ---------------- 3 ---------- 3 ----------------|
"...because you tore down the walls that the world has put
inside my head..."

(full strumming now for the next line)

the rest of the song follows the same pattern apart
 from the bridge (below)
one strum each

Bbm Bbm Bbm Bbm
F#maj7 F#maj7 F#maj7 F#maj7
 Db Db Db Db
 Fm7 Fm7 Fm7 Fm7
	"...and as they stroll along..."

thats about it really. hope the tab helps. have fun!
ps sorry about the size adjustments, i made it before
i knew there were templates on the site.
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