----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stairway to Heaven - Rolf Harris version ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist: Rolf Harris Song: Stairway To Heaven Tabbed by: The Octobertiger Tuning: Standard Any comments? Email me: octobertiger@hotmail.co.uk My first tab ever, so be nice to me please! A simple, fun take on the Led Zep classic. I am surprised no other tabs exist for this version. Is it because it could be seen as sacrilege? The main strum would be similar to this, a kind of reggae syncopation I guess: (d = downstroke u = upstroke) d d d d d d d u d u |----------------------------------| |------7-------7-------7---7-7-7-7-| |------8-------8-------8---8-8-8-8-| |--8---8---8---8---8---8---8-8-8-8-| |--6-------6-------6-------6-6-6-6-| |--x-------x------x----------------| Play around with it, if you will. Here are the main chordal patterns. Theres a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold - |--------------------------------------------------------| |----------7----------7-------------6-----------4--------| |----------8----------7-------------6-----------5--------| |----------8----------7-------------6-----------5--------| |----------6----------5-------------4-----------3--------| |--------------------------------------------------------| And shes buying a stairway to heaven |-----------------------------------------| |----------4---------6----------7---------| |----------4---------6----------8---------| |----------4---------6----------8---------| |----------2---------4----------6---------| |-----------------------------------------| All together now, and shes buying a stairway to heaven |-----------------------------------------------------------| |----------------------------4---------6----------7---------| |----------------------------4---------6----------8---------| |----------------------------4---------6----------8---------| |----------------------------2---------4----------6---------| |-----------------------------------------------------------| ...Ooh and it makes me wonder |--2--------------------6-------| |--2--------------------7-------| |--3--------------------8-------| |--4--------------------8-------| |--4--------------------6-------| |--2--------------------x-------| My Improvised guitar solo (around vocal melody) |----------------------------------------------------------------------| |-------------------------9b11--9------------9b11--9--11-10-8-6-6-8~---| |--3/8--10b11--10-8-10-11---------11-8~--11----------------------------| |----------------------------------------------------------------------| |----------------------------------------------------------------------| |----------------------------------------------------------------------| |----------------------------------------------------------------------| |----------------------------------------------------------------------| |--6/11--10h11--10h11--10-8-6/11--10h11--10h11--10-8-6-8~--------------| |----------------------------------------------------------------------| |----------------------------------------------------------------------| |----------------------------------------------------------------------| Heres the full lyrics, complete with Rolfs adlibbing. Theres a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold - And shes buying a stairway to heaven All together now, and shes buying a stairway to heaven When she gets there she knows, if those stores are all closed With a word she can get what she came for All together now, with a word she can get what she came for Ooh and it makes me wonder (How does it affect you blokes?) Ooh and it makes us wonder (That's interesting that, yeah) Theres a sign on the wall, but she wants to be sure Cos you know words sometimes have two meanings All together now, cos you know words sometimes have two meanings (A lot of words have two meanings Um, like in this song the word to buy Buying a stairway to heaven, bought [pause] oh no, thats brought isnt it Well, er, theres lots of words have two meanings) In the tree by the brook, theres a songbird who sings Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven All together now, sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven (Miss Given? Just change instruments now. Thankyou very much. Miss Given ladies and gentlemen. Isnt it nice to have your name mentioned in the song? Isnt that good. Lovely lady) [didgerydoo instrumental] (Quick burst of applause for Ross there, on the free trembler - good one Can I change instruments again? Thank you. [clears throat] Nearly finished [laughs]) Theres a lady Im sure that Ive mentioned before (yes I did, yes) And shes buying a stairway to heaven All together now, and shes buying a stairway to heaven Ooh and it makes me wonder Ooh and it makes us wonder Ooh and it makes us wonder It makes us wonder ************************************ | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note | b Bend | pb Pre-bend | br Bend release | pbr Pre-bend release | brb Bend release bend ************************************