• Song:

    Gay Messiah

  • Artist:

    Rufus Wainwright

  • Album:

    Want Two (International...

   / Rufus Wainwright  /  I think this song is a humorous response to the hype
  / Gay Messiah       /  of Rufus, where medias promoted him as the new Gay
 / Want Two          /  Messiah that would take over the title after his good
/___________________/  friend Elton John. Note how explicit his lyrics are in
                      the bridge! "I never jumped out of the closet, I was born
                     in the living room" - Rufus Wainwright
Time: 6/8
Key: G major
Tuning: Standard
Strumming pattern:
  E   S S S S E   S S S S
  /   / / / / /   / / / /
| 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + |

  Cmaj7 C       Cadd9 C       Cmaj7 Cadd9   G     Gadd11

2x Intro

" He will then be reborn
  From 1970's porn
  Wearing tube socks with style
  And such an innocent smile "

  B7    C7      G             B7    C7      G

  Em    Baug    Em7   A       Am    D7      G   G7*

" Better pray for your sins
  Better pray for your sins
  'Cause the gay messiah's coming "

2x Intro

" He will fall from the star
  Studio 54
  And appear on the sand
  Of Fire Island's shore "

similar to previous, but end on the G7* instead of
the G, in order to lead the song further to the Bridge

    Cadd9 C       Cmaj7 Cadd9   G     Gadd11  A9    A7     A7sus4 A7

 1.                                          2.
  C7            G             G7              C7            C7    G7

" No it will not be me
  Rufus the Baptist I be
  No I won't be the one
  Baptized in cum

  What will happen instead
  Someone will demand my head
  And then I will kneel down
  And give it to them looking down "

2x Intro

just end on a straight G here

- 19th /February /08
Just mail me at Maitinin@gmail.com with questions, comments and corrections!
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