family guy seth macfarlane with walter murphy and his orchestra

There was a man who shot the man
 who was the man who shot the man,
Cal Johnson, Cal Johnson. 
He wore a hat, his favorite hat, 
 he loved that hat, he hated hats, 
Cal Johnson, Cal Johnson. 

   G                          D
He was a dad to zero kids and yet he fathered five. 
   A                             D     
He got shot dead a year ago and yet he's still alive.
    G                                     D 
He's rich beyond his wildest dreams, yet never had a dime.
  E                           A    
A law man to the very end, he led a life of crime 

   G                                 D
In all his years of life on earth he never fired a gun, 
    A                               D    
Yet when it came to Chinese men he shot down everyone.
   G                                D
He had a horse named Bandit and the horse's name was Clyde. 
    A           G               D    
Cal Johnson was born the day he died.

Transcribed by ear by me (colpepper43)
on may 22 2011 in kitchener ontario
hope anyone enjoys it.
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