Sick Puppies
Should've Known Better
I'm only posting one guitar in this song except for the solo. 

Legend:     * harmonic     \ slide down     x scratch note     . palm mute
            b bend       r return from bend h hammer-on     p pull-off
            x\\\\\\\  pick slide down on strings         v vibrato    



Verse 1 (Wait for about 11 seconds.)


Pre-Chorus 1 


Chorus 1
                                                                  .  . .  .




Verse 2 Bend steadily from 7th fret the 9th fret.  x4

Pre-Chorus 2

                                                    . . . . . . . . .
Chorus 2 
                                                                  .  . .  .



Solo w/ Wah-Wah (Sorry it's not completely in sync. On each line, both should end 
at the same time.)
Guitar 1

Guitar 2

Guitar 1

Guitar 2

Guitar 1(I couldn't really figure this part out, so this is what I added in.)

Guitar 2

Bridge (Repeat this x4, but on the last time, replace the 7\ with an 8.)
  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Pre-Chorus 3

                                                    . . . . . . . . 
Chorus 3 (Play this last chorus x2)
                                                                  .  . .  .


Outro (This part is played acoustically)
|----------------------------------|--------------|  /
|----------------------------------|--------------| /
|-8---8--8---10---10--10---10---10-|-8---8--8--8--|------Do this 2nd time w/o
|-8---8--8---10---10--10---10---10-|-8---8--8--8--|\      the 10's
|-8---8--8---10---10--10---10---10-|-8---8--8--8--| \
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