Intro x3

 | ---------------- | ---------------- | 
 | -----7-------5-- | -------5-5------ | 
 | ---------6---4-- | -----------4---- | 
 | ---------------- | -------------3-- | 
 | -0-------------- | ---------------- | 
 | ---------------- | ---------------- | 


 | -------------5-- | ---------------- | 
 | -----7-------5-- | ---------------- | 
 | ---------6---4-- | ---------------- | 
 | ---------------- | --------------3- | 
 | -0-------------- | ---------------- | 
 | ---------------- | ---------------- | 

(Verse 1:)
A5            Ab5                G5                C5
For  -  ty  or fif - ty hors - es  ly - ing in a lot

 | ---------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | 
 | ------(b9)------8- | ----------8----- | -------7-----7-- | ---5---5-5------ | 
 | ----(b9)----(b9)--8- | ------------8--- | ----------7--7-- | ---5-------5---- | 
 | -7----------7--- | -------7------7- | -5-------------- | -------------5-- | 
 | ---------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | 
 | ---------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | 

F#5                F5              Eb5           A5
Red raincoats and rifles and epi - dem - ic has been stopped

 | ---------------- | ---5------------ | -3--3----3------ | ---------------- | 
 | -----5---------- | ---5------------ | -3--3----3---2-- | ------3-2------- | 
 | ---------5------ | ---5------------ | -3--3----3---2-- | ----------0----- | 
 | -4-----------3-- | ---------------- | -2--2----2---2-- | ------------2--- | 
 | ---------------- | ---------------- | -------------0-- | ---------------- | 
 | ---------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | 

A5          Ab5                   G5             C5
Sci-en-tist speaks what  are  you  wondering about?

 | ---------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | 
 | ------(b9)------8- | ----------8----- | -------7-----7-- | ---5------------ | 
 | ----(b9)----(b9)--8- | ------------8--- | ----------7--7-- | ---5--7-7--5-0-- | 
 | -7----------7--- | -------7------7- | -5-------------- | ---------------- | 
 | ---------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | 
 | ---------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | 

F#5             F5                Eb5             A5      
   Got where he is by turn - ing  lab mice in-side out

 | ---------------- | ---5------------ | -3--3-3/5-5--- | ---------------- | 
 | -----5---------- | ---5------------ | -3--3-3/5-5-2- | -(2)--3-2------- | 
 | ---------5------ | ---5------------ | -3--3---------2- | -(2)------0----- | 
 | -4-----------3-- | ---------------- | -2--2---------2- | -(2)------------ | 
 | ---------------- | ---------------- | --------------0- | -(0)--------0-1- | 
 | ---------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | 

G5  A5              G5 A5             G5
    The things we do and have to do
A5                G5        A5                     G5     A5
And the things I do for you and what you do for me too 
                  G5 A5                   G5
the ?yeah but I...? and any other excuse
A5                        G5   A5  
And if you take it for given, then what?s the use?
(repeat intro riff)

And at the same time as the chorus, another guitar plays this riff over
and over, 6 1/2 times:

 | ---------------- | ---------------- | 
 | ---------------- | -----3-2-------- | 
 | ---------------- | ---0-----0------ | 
 | ---0------------ | -2-------------- | 
 | -2-------0-2-0-- | -----------0-1-- | 
 | -----3-3-------- | ---------------- | 

(Verse 2:)

All his posessions around him in his house
Lying beside him his companion and spouse
And in the morning he dress and go to hell
all activated by a little timer bell


There is a solo but I am too lazy to type it all out here, so you?ll
have to figure that out on your own.

Dennis Westlind
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