

A    C#       F#m           D                   A
  Monday fell hard like the weight of the world
D           A    E
weighing down my shoulders
A     C#   F#m             D            A
  Tuesday,     why did you stay so late
       E           A
this I can't abide

B5                     D5                   A F#7
   So I stand in line,    so I wait in line
B               D   E         F#m
everyone must honor their own     anodyne
B5                   D5                  A
   so I hang around,    so I hang around
and now we hear the
homeless philharmonic singin'
A          A/G#    A/F#  E
all the Charlie's angels to their
D                               E
heavenly convergence in the sky
D                   E
  you and me, come on let's hitch a ride

Paint me confused on a carnival cruise
this tortured ambulance chaser
but I'm cured, I've got two feet on the floor
guess that's all I need


I must confide that I'm fit to be tied
I'm fit to be homeward rollin'
attuned, beneath the wayward moon
singing me to sleep

    and as the weekend's ending
    with the weekdays pending
    having trouble comprehending
E                E7
how I'll make it through

Till I stand in line, till I wait in line
everyone must honor their own anodyne
so I hang around, so I hang around
and now we hear the
homeless philharmonic singin'
all the Charlie's angels to their
heavenly convergence in the sky
suck it down, we're all gonna hitch a ride

Monday fell hard like the weight of the world
weighing down my shoulders
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