Four Walled World


 G1            w/Fill 1                                                       

 G2 (the bass might actually be playing this note)                            

 G1 Well she cried, and she cried       all night to the sound of the         

 G2          w/ wah                                                           

 G1 Freeway hum        and she swears she'll be gone when the                 

 G2                           w/wah                                           

 G1 Sun hits the ground       and she ain't coming back to my cell            


 G1 To my     cell                   oooh                                     

 G2           w/wah                                                           

 G1  Well she's tired, and she's tired             of this life she's been    

 G2                                   *pre-bend                               

 G1 Leading too long    and the time turns around through these               

 G2  w/wah                                                                    

 G1 Walls that surround     to the chimes of a jailors song     oh but in my  

 G2 w/wah                                                                     

 G1 Four            (*w/o slide) in my four                 in my             


 G1 Four       my     four    walled    world         in my                   


 G1 Four                     in my four                  in my                


 G1 Four       my    four    walled   world               yeah she            


 G1  Tries, and she tries     but my feet just won't leave the ground         

 G2  w/wah                                                                    

 G1 And I'm tired, and I'm tired of this prisoner's life   and his chains     

 G2                      w/wah                                                

 G1 That drag me down       oh but in my                                      


 G1 Four                      in my four                 in my                


 G1 Four       my     four    walled    world   yeah in my                    


 G1 Four                yeah in my four                  in my                


 G1 Four       my    four    walled   world                    well she       


 G1 Cried       and she cried      all night to the sound                     

 G2                            *vibrato with whammy bar                       

 G1 Of the free - way hum         and she swears she'll be gone               

 G2                     *vibrato with whammy bar                              

 G1      when the sun hits the ground   and she ain't                         


 G1  No she ain't coming back to my cell                                      


 G1                   And now the sun is low                                  

 G2               hold bend                                                   

 G1                    These walls try to break my soul                       

 G2               hold bend                                                   

 G1                                                          Now the moon is  

 G2                                                      hold bend            

 G1 Full                                                       and I won't    

 G2                                                        hold bend          

 G1 See nothing tonight but the tear in her eyes and my four      yeah in my  



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