• Song:


  • Artist:

    Tenth Avenue North

  • Album:

    Over And Underneath

                             Beloved – Tenth Avenue North
Tabbed by: Kevin Smith
Email: guitarforgod124@gmail.com

This song was written as a love song from God to us.  In the Bible He uses the analogy
a man and an adulterous bride.  We keep running to other "lovers", like wealth, and
and sin, and human relationships.  We aren't just disobeying God, we are cheating on a 
 But God keeps pursuing us all the same.  Tenth Avenue North did a wonderful job writing
song. In that context, here it is:

Capo 4 (or three, to play with the album version)

Tuning:  Tune B string down to A
        (E A D G A e)

This is the way Mike plays it acoustically and solo at shows.  I got it from the video
which is Mike himself showing us how he plays it.  I’m pretty sure this is 100% right,
I could always be wrong. :)


All fingerings  and chords are relative to the capo.  So when you see 7, you’re actually
on the 11th fret.

For questions, or comments about my tab, feel free to email me, or check out my youtube
(guitarforgod124).  I'm planning on posting a cover of this song as well as a tutorial
 So, good luck! :D

Chords: (I’m in music theory, so I like to have the actual chord names...just ignore
if you want to lol.  I made up easier names to call the chords when I put them with the words.)

    (A     A/F#   C#m7b6  Dadd9 Gadd9add13 Eadd11  Asus   Eadd11)

     A       A2      C#      D       G       E       A*      E*

On the E chord, he places his pinky down on the second fret of the G string sometimes,
then goes back to the regular chord.  Watch his video to get a feel for it.  I marked it
putting a (2) over the places where you do this.


    D U D U D U   D U D U D U   D U D U D U   D U D U D U
G|----6---------|---4---------|---2---------|---4---------|  x2

I can’t personally play this intro fast enough for the song, so I usually end up just
the chords like the rest of the song.  Make sure you mute the bottom two strings with your
finger though, so it has a higher sound and sounds different from the rest of the chords.

Verse 1:

Love of my life,
Look deep in my eyes...
C#                           D
There you will find what you need.
Give me your life,
The lust and the lies;
    C#                         D
The past you're afraid I might see.
            G                 E   (2)    (E)
You've been running away from me.


            A2     A*
You're my beloved,
          A      E*
Lover I'm yours.
                A2        A*
Death shall not part us,
             E       (2)  (E)
It's you I died for.
              A2      A*
For better or worse,
              A    E*
Forever we'll be.
            A2         A*
My love it unites us,
                    E    (2)  (E)
And it binds you to me...
              (replay intro picking/strumming)
It's a mystery.

Verse 2:

Love of my life,
Look deep in my eyes...
C#                           D
There you will find what you need.
I'm the giver of life,
I'll clothe you in white.
    C#                       D
My immaculate bride you will be.
        G               E  (2)   (E)
Oh come running home to me. (yeah now)


            A2     A*
You're my beloved,
          A      E*
Lover I'm yours.
                A2        A*
Death shall not part us,
             E       (2)  (E)
It's you I died for.
              A2      A*
For better or worse,
              A    E*
Forever we'll be.
            A2         A*
My love it unites us,
                    E         (2)  (E)
And it binds you to me. (yeah, now, now)


            A*     E            A
Well you've been a mistress, my wife:
        A*          E          A2
Chasing lovers that won't satisfy.
          A*     E           A2
Won't you let me make you my bride?
You will drink of my lips,
    E         (2)   (E)
And taste new life.


            A2     A*
You're my beloved,
          A      E*
Lover I'm yours.
                A2        A*
Death shall not part us,
             E       (2)  (E)
It's you I died for.
              A2      A*
For better or worse,
              A    E*
Forever we'll be.
            A2         A*
My love it unites us,
                    E    (2)  (E)
And it binds you to me...
                A2    E    A
It's a mystery.
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