40 Boys in 40 Nights
The Donnas
Guitar TAB by Mark

This Tab Is a lot Better Than The other ones that other people have done a lot of them are inpracticle to play and the other ones just list the chords are kinda hard as well at least i think so. if you are like me you like to know haw many times to play what. so i hope this helps. all feedback welcome.

X = Rake Strings (Frett hand Mute)
/ = Slide 
h = hammer on
p = pull off

Intro part 1 (3x):

  F      D#  A#         D     C

Intro part 2:

 F       D#  A#    C   F

Verse part 1:

 F                     A# F   C

 A#         C              F       A#

Verse part 2:

Guitar 1:

 G                C                      G                C

Guitar 2:


Chorus=intro part 1 (3x) + intro part 2

verse #2=verse part 1 + verse part 2

Chorus #2=intro part 1 (3x) + intro part 2




Verse #3=verse part 1 + verse part 2

Chorus #3=Intro Part 1 (repeat and fade) w/fill 5th time:

-3^-----3^----3^----3^-------(continue pattern and fade...)-
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