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D5                                          E5                
     To the doting boys by, your side     

A5                                                   D5                      
     Riding roughshod on your starless nights 

D5                                                      E5                            
     To she who played concertos,   foul and black, 

A5                                                   D5                               
     Upon my heart strings and never looked back

E5            F#5                          B5                        D5 C? G5 
    What became of those,     wild charms? 

The deep fry of the tide? The tug of the stars?

D5              D5                            F#5               B5   D5 D5 G5
    How it stares me, how it stares me now

                      G5 (orG7)              D5 
To think my fire burnt them out.
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