Artist: Stranglers
Album: No More Heroes 1977
Label: United Artist
Song:  No More Heroes
Bassist: Jean Jacques Burnel  
Bass Tab By:

Tempo 40 Bars Per min = 160bpm
This song is based around the G chord, mainly in 8th notes
-3-3-3-3. Each section is two bars bars 16 8th notes. In 
section A & B the opening two notes are 1/4 notes --3--3-
The notes in brackets (3-3) play only the first note. The
second note is held giving a 1/4 note. It is important to
emphasise the first note to get the feel of the riff. In 
section D the 5th note in each cord is an 1/4 note. In 
section I the last note in each bar is a 1/2 note. You will
need fast fingers to play section J.
    This is my best effort in tabbing this great song, if 
you have any problems or improvements to make please
contact me. All the best in Black. John.  

Use a pick	

The introduction is playing up & down the G string 
finishing on the open G before the drum roll.

G	[-------------------------------------------]  
D	[-------------------------------------------]   ( A ) PLAY 4
A	[---------3-3-3-3------------------------]           TIMES
E	[--3--3------------3-3-3-(1-1)-1-1-1]   

	Singing starts at section B

G	[------------------------------------------]
D	[------------------------------------------]    (B) PLAY  8
A	[---------3-3-3-3-----------------------]          TIMES
E	[--3--3------------1-1-1(3-3)-3-3-3]
	Whatever happened to

G	[--------------------------------------------]
D	[--------------------------------------------]    C) PLAY 1 
A	[-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3]         TIME
E	[--------------------------------------------]
              Whatever happened to the 

G	[------------------------------------------]
D	[------------------------------------------]   (D) PLAY 1
A	[---1------------------1------------------]         TIME
E	[-3---3-1--3--3-1-3----3-1--3--3-1]
            Now repeat the following sections
	C, D, 4 X B, C, D, C, D, 2 X A, 

	Now move on to sections E, F , & G

G	[-------------------------------------------]
D	[-------------------------------------------]  (E) PLAY 2
A	[-----------0-0-0-0-1-1-1-1-3-3-3-3]        TIMES 
E	[-3-3-3-3--------------------------------]

G	[-------------------------------------------]
D	[-------------------------------------------]   (F) PLAY 2 
A	[-----------0-0-0-0-1-1-1-1-0-0-0-0]         TIMES
E	[-3-3-3-3--------------------------------]

G	[------------------------------------------]
D	[------------------------------------------]  (G) PLAY 2
A	[-----------0-0-0-0-1-1-1-1----------]        TIMES
E	[-3-3-3-3---------------------1-1-1-1]

	Now repeat the following sections

	2 x A
	Now move to section H

G	[-----------------------------------------------]
D	[-----------------------------------------------] ( H) PLAY 
	[-----------------------------------------------]        10 
E	[-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8]   TIMES

	On the very last note of section H slide up to E3 
	then repeat the following sections.

	2 X A, 4 X B, C, D, C, D, 4 X A

            Now go to sections I & J

G	[----------------------------------------]
D	[----------------------------------------]     (I) PLAY 3
A	[---1-----------------1----------------]          TIMES 
E	[-3---3-1----3----3----3-1----3----]

G	[-----------------------------------------]
D	[-----------------------------------------]  ( J) PLAY 2 1/2
A	[---1--------1--------1--------1-------]        TIMES
E	[-3---3-1-3---3-1-3---3-1-3---3-1]

           The song ends on E3
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