• Song:

    Animal I Have Become

  • Artist:

    Three Days Grace

Three Days Grace - "Animal I have Become"
Album: One - X

Tabbed by: SICfreak91

Figured this song out with a acoustic guitar. Not a hard song to play. I'm not 100% sure
correct, but I tried hard. TDG seem to use different tunings ( dropped D, D flat,
C) in there past songs, so your never really sure what to use with them

 UPDATE (4/10/06): i changed the verse, pre-chorus, and chorus slightly ... i would like
to give credit to Jaames ( username) for showing me some chords ... thanks man!

 UPDATE (4/19/06): Fixed strumming paternings in just about all parts, made some changes
to chorus ... and added 'high' guitar part in bridge and outro

 UPDATE (4/21/06): MAJOR change - the freaking tuning ...its drop C, I would like to thank
FENDER785 for helping me relize this

 UPDATE (6/2/06):  Finally added 'high' guitar part people been asking me why i haven't
put up ... sounds right to me ... there are actually a couple more different ways u can
it but they all sound the same ..also i updated the chorus and added where pickslides would
be ... its pretty much perfect now =p

**UPDATE** (7/22/06): Changed and fixed some spacing all over the tab. Also made a slight change
to the verse ... the vibarto (bend) on the 3th fret I put, I think, is a pinch harmonic. 
I noticed in the music video and in a few live proformances, 
Barry doesn't move his hand from the 3rd fret to do a vibarto 
on a different fret.
So I'm guessing a pinch har. is probably right.
I guess it would seem fine as just a regular bend on the 3rd fret but tell me what you think
of my pinch harmonic idea (if you don't kno what a pinch harmonic is, don't bother)


This is my first tab by the way ...

Intro: (bass intro first)






Guitar 1:


Guitar 2:


Verse 2:


Chorus 2:

Guitar 1:


Guitar 2:

Quick pickslide THEN ...



Chorus 3: (TWO riffs of no bass and treble first)

Guitar 1:


Guitar 2:




... THEN a long, kinda slow, pickslide to 1st fret

** Hope you like it ... please rate **
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