• Song:


  • Artist:

    Through You

  • Album:

    Through You 5 song EP

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Standard tuning
*=palm mute
^=half bend
po=pull off
+=let ring
H=hammer on

Drum starts with the crash symbol

     ******************        ******************     *****************


pull off on every nine

|----------------------------------|    2X
  *******    *******        +

(during the italian part)
    *** *** *** ***     *** *** *** ***

(Verse) 1X don't let ring

|--------------------------------------------------------------|  3X
   ****   ****   **   ****   ****   **   ****   ****   **

Vibrate the 7 on the last passing

(Breakdown) pt 1

(Breakdown) pt 2
   ****************        ******************

One guitar dose the 14 and 15 while the other does palm mute 0s

(Verse)2X don't let ring

(During the Spanish part)
    *** *** ***    *** *** ***
(Verse) 1X
(Breakdown pt 1)
(Chours) but with out the ~7~
(Breakdown pt 1)


(Guitar 1)(ending solo)

(Guitar 2) (Breakdown) when guitar one is doing the ending solo

Both (Chours)2X
(Chours)2X with out ~7~ at the end
Guitar 1 does the Beginning part of solo 2X (not sure on this one)
Guitar does the (Chours)2X
Both do (Breakdown)

well there you go Though You's Culo song hope you enjoy the song and the lyrics 
If i mess up make sure u give me info and ill try to fix it. Thank you.

This is for you guys from Though you. hope i did well
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