• Song:

    Chambers Of The Starwatcher

  • Artist:

    Thy Serpent

  • Album:


Thy Serpent - 'Chambers of the Starwatcher'
From the album 'Christcrusher'
Transcribed by Heikki B. Huurinainen (moon_over_thee@hotmail.com)
All comments and corrections are welcome!

      h  - hammer-on
      p  - pull-off
      .. - palm mute
      /  - slide

Normal tuning (E)

Rhy fig.1  (00:00-00:16)

Rhy fig.1 x 3 (w/riff.1) (00:16-01:05)

Riff.1 x 2 
                      Riff xxx
 -------------------| |---------------------------|     
 --/10--9-----------| |---------------------------|     
 ----------9-----7--| |---------------------------|   
 -------------9-----| |--7-6h7p6/4--7--6----------|    
 -------------------| |-------------------7-----5-|
 -------------------| |----------------------7----|

On second repeat I keep hearing this note marked with *. There might be an 
another guitar playing something like Riff xxx at that point. Ain't sure about 
that though, comments ? 
(It probably is just the bass or the guitar playing the both notes.)

Rhy fig.2 x 4 (01:05-01:37)
                     ..   ..   ..   ..   ..

Rhy fig.3 x 8 (01:37-02:09)
                         ..   ..   ..

Rhy fig.2 x 4 (02:09-02:41)
Rhy fig.1 x 3 (w/riff 1) (02:41-03:30)

Rhy fig.4 (w/riff.2 x 4) (03:30-04:02)
(If somebody has Rhy fig.4, please mail it to me.)
(Rhy fig.4 starts with F# , that much I know...)

Rhy fig.3 x 8 (04:02-04:34)       

Rhy fig.4 (w/riff.2 x 8) (04:34-05:39)             

That should be it , pretty much anyway.
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