Our Great God-Todd Agnew

This is a great song.  Standard Tune. No Capo needed.


A		Em
Eternal God, unchanging
D		     A
Mysterious and unknown
Your boundless love, unfailing
      D			A
In grace and mercy shown
	F#m		D	      F#m		      D
Bright seraphim in ceaseless flight around Your glorious throne
	A		Em		     D		A
They raise their voices day and night in praise to You alone


A	Em	    D			A	
Hallelujah, Glory be to our great God		x2


A			Em
Lord, we are weak and frail
D		A
Helpless in the storm
Surround us with Your angels
D		     A
Hold us in Your arms
       F#m		D	        F#m	      D
Our cold and ruthless enemy, his pleasure is our harm
A		       Em	     D			A
Rise up, O Lord, and he will flee before our sovereign God


A		    Em		     D		A
Let every creature in the sea and every flying bird
			      Em		D	     A
Let every mountain, every field and valley of the earth
       F#m		D	        F#m	    D
Let all the moons and all the stars in all the universe
	A		Em		D		A
Sing praises to the living God who rules them by His word
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