• Song:


  • Artist:

    Tokyo Police Club

Neghbours - Dave Monks (of Tokyo Police Club)

These chords are based on Dave's performance for Live in the Bellwoods, which can be 
found here: http://youtu.be/2I13pPdd2rg
I did my best with the lyrics, but if you have any corrections, let me know in the comments.
Some of the chord names may be slightly incorrect, so check the chart below.

Chords Used:
  C/G (3x555x@1)  G7 (320001@1) Am (x02210@1) Am/F (102210@1)  F (133211@1)  Em5    C (x32010@1)   G (320003@1)   G*

C/GNeighbours (3x555x@1)on my right side,

C/G (3x555x@1)                       G7 (320001@1)                       AmDo (x02210@1)you know me by how my windows speak to yours in a tongue,

Am/F (102210@1)               FThat's (133211@1)rarely heard, but often sung?

C/GLying (3x555x@1)on my left side,

C/G (3x555x@1)                   G7 (320001@1)                       AmDo (x02210@1)you know me by how I flip my pillow cool in my hands?

Am/F (102210@1)              FJust (133211@1)made up plans and an unmade bed.

C/GAnd (3x555x@1)I was nearly legal.

C/GBut, (3x555x@1)oh, I could have shot you there.

G7 (320001@1)                                     AmI'm (x02210@1)takin' my bullet back out from your head.

But it doesn't count,

FNo, (133211@1)it doesn't count.

Em5                                       FIf (133211@1)you think you knew me well, you'd know by now.

C (x32010@1)              G (320003@1)           F'Cause (133211@1)you were charged with some real electric vibe in the night,

C (x32010@1)                   G (320003@1)             FAnd (133211@1)you were all like, "How did I get here? Where do I hide?"

C (x32010@1)         G (320003@1)                  FAnd (133211@1)you went down like a used submarine on the tide

C (x32010@1)                   G (320003@1)             FAnd (133211@1)you were all like, "I don't know anything, anything now."

FAnything (133211@1)now.

C G* F G*
C G* F G*

C/GTeaching (3x555x@1)in Korea,

C/G (3x555x@1)                       G7 (320001@1)                                 AmA (x02210@1)million miles and on the phone you say the weather's not bad there.

Am/F (102210@1)                       FI (133211@1)get my cellphone blues to the customer care.

C/GAnd (3x555x@1)under the impression,

C/G (3x555x@1)                                G7 (320001@1)                            Amthat, (x02210@1)oh, you'd touch my shit, if I was gone a hundred years or ten.

Am/F (102210@1)                       FCause (133211@1)it doesn't count.

Em5                                          FIf (133211@1)you think you knew me well, you'd know by now.

C (x32010@1)              G (320003@1)           F'Cause (133211@1)you were charged with some real electric vibe in the night,

C (x32010@1)                   G (320003@1)             FAnd (133211@1)you were all like, "How did I get here? Where do I hide?"

C (x32010@1)         G (320003@1)         FAnd (133211@1)you went down like a used submarine on the tide

C (x32010@1)                   G (320003@1)             FAnd (133211@1)you were all like, "I don't know anything, anything now."

F (133211@1)             GNeighbours (320003@1)on my right side.

C G* F G*
C G* F G*
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