• Song:

    No Way To Heal

  • Artist:


Tabbed by: Connor Ford

Band:  Trivium
Song:  No Way To Heal
Album: Vengeance Falls (2013)

Tuning: Drop C# (C#, G#, C#, F#, A#, D#)
(Tune all strings down half a step then drop tune)

Shredding solo, vibrant harmonies, all Trivium

Be sure to revise the scales before attempting to learn.

I'm looking forward to tabbing the full album of Vengeance Falls on October
15th. If you're fans of Trivium's early stuff, be sure to check out Shogun
and In Waves on my contributions!

Please rate, comment, correct, anything that will help :)

Hammer on:        h
Pull off:         p
Slide up:         /
Slide down:       \
Bend up:          BU(?)
Tapped note:      T
Vibrato:          ~~~
Pinch Harmonic:   PH
Natural Harmonic: NH
Dive Bomb:        DB
Tremelo pick:     Tr---
After Muting:     M
Pick slide:       X\\\ ('\' indicated duration)
Triplets:         ___T___ 

I have only included triplets in this tab for a certain lick in
the solo as all the notes need are significant.
Where I have marked: '-15-17-18-18-17-15-'
The two 18's are NOT a accidental double type.

Guitar 1:        Matt Heafy
Guitar 2:        Corey Beaulieu
Guitar 3:        Corey Beaulieu (Additional harmonies)


Guitar 1
|Guitar 2

Guitar 1
|Guitar 2


Verse 1
Both guitars


Guitar 1
|Guitar 2

Guitar 1
|Guitar 2


Verse 2
Both guitars

Guitar 1
|Guitar 2

Both guitars


Guitar 2

Guitar 1


Guitar 1

Guitar 1

|Guitar 2

Guitar 2


Repeat Verse 1

Repeat Verse 2

Repeat Pre-Verse

Repeat Chorus


Guitar 1
|Guitar 2

Guitar 1
|Guitar 2


Solo 1(CKB)
Guitar 1 (Rhythm)


Guitar 2 (Lead)






  ___T___ ___T___ ___T__

Guitar 2
|---12-13-15-13-12--12-13-15-13-12-|    |---------|
|-15--------------15---------------|    |-(15)~~~-|
|----------------------------------| x3 |---------|
|----------------------------------|    |---------|
|----------------------------------|    |---------|
|----------------------------------|    |---------|
|Guitar 3
|---15-17-18-17-15--15-17-18-17-15-|    |---------|
|-18--------------18---------------|    |-(18)~~~-|
|----------------------------------| x3 |---------|
|----------------------------------|    |---------|
|----------------------------------|    |---------|
|----------------------------------|    |---------|


Solo 2(MKH)
Guitar 2
|Guitar 1
|Guitar 3

Guitar 2
|Guitar 1
|Guitar 3

Guitar 2
|Guitar 1
|Guitar 3

Guitar 2
|Guitar 1

Guitar 1
|Guitar 3


Repeat Pre-chorus

Repeat Chorus twice
on the second time the chorus is played, guitar 3
plays the harmony of the lead

Guitar 3



Both guitars


That's all of it, please rate :)
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