Here is "Halling" by ulver.

Riff 1 (gtr 1)(through the whole song)

e |--------------------	|
b |--------------------	|
g |-----------6-------	|
d |------7-------7----|
a |---0---------------	|
e |--------------------	|

Lead riff 1 (gtr 2)

e |--------------------------------------------	|
b |--------------------------------------------	|
g |--6--7--8-8-8^7^6------6-------------	|
d |-------------------------9------7---------	|
a |--------------------------------------------	|
e |--------------------------------------------	|
                    p p
Lead riff 2 (gtr 2)
                                           repeat 3x     then the part
e |--------------------------------------------------------
|-----------------------------------	|
b |--------------------------------------------------------
|-----------------------------------	|
g |---6--7--6^7^6------6--7-7-----6-----------------
|--6------7-----------------------	|	
d |---------------------9-----------9------6-7----------
a |--------------------------------------------------------
|-----------------------------------	|	
e |--------------------------------------------------------
|-----------------------------------	|
                h p

Lead riff 3 (gtr )2
					   1st	  2nd	  (last time
before lead riff 2)
e |--5--7--9--10--10^9^10^9--7--9--10--9------	|--5-------
|----5-----	|--0-------	|
b |--------------------------------------------------------
|-----5----	|--5-------	|------2---	|
g |--------------------------------------------------------
|-----------	|-----------	|-----------	|
d |--------------------------------------------------------
|-----------	|-----------	|-----------	|
a |--------------------------------------------------------
|-----------	|-----------	|-----------	|
e |--------------------------------------------------------
|-----------	|-----------	|-----------	|

OK......there it is so.....

Bo Pedersen
> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra:	 [SMTP:]
> Sendt:	3. december 1997 22:01
> Til:	Bo Meyhoff Guldal Pedersen
> Emne:	Re: your mail
> Hehehe, check out my webpage dude, and scroll down until you see the
> click
> here thing, on the last newsletter there is Dead Eternity.  
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