Nervous Energy


  ^     ^ ^     ^ ^     ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^     ^ ^     ^ ^     ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 
put a little extra emphasis on the notes with the ^ beneath them

                    let ring------------------------------------>
lyric:                                         "sure of myself..."
the notes between the <> are harmonics. where they are really close
together (555) you pick them staccato-style (i.e., really fast and
herky jerky). he never really plays this the same way twice. at the
end just don't follow the pattern i have here; just sort of whack the
strings a bit.
0h4 = play 0 and hammer on to 4
also, when those notes are ringing at the end, once in a while he 
likes to pull his tremolo bar a tiny bit to make the notes waver out 
of pitch 


lyric:           "sit here waiting..."
p = play the first note, pull off to the second
h = play the first note, hammer on to the second
b = bend the note a little bit


loud half of chorus

 "yeah!                           yeah!"
hit each chord and then depress and shake the tremolo bar

play that part twice (so there are four yeahs) and then play this
part twice:
those last little phrases of notes are especially sloppy


middle - quiet half

lyric:                                 "sit here waiting"
4b5r4 = play 4, bend up to the same pitch as 5, then release the bend
back to 4
after the last note vibrate the string a bit, or jiggle the tremolo
there's a second guitar in the background, making little incidental


middle - loud half

guitar - just freak out

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