Just giving back a little of what I take from the net !!
Questions, Comments or tab suggestions please forward to
Vincent M. Veltri  veltri@vnet.ibm.com

as performed by the great Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble

Well The house is a rockin
        don't bother knockin

Well The house is a rockin
        don't bother knockin

if the house is a rockin
        don't bother come on in

Kick off your your shoes gotta loosen the blues

This old house old house ain't got nothing to lose

Seen a lotta years  start spreading the news

We got ??real old floor?? come come on baby shake em loose

Well The house is a rockin
        don't bother knockin

Well The house is a rockin
        don't bother knockin

if the house is a rockin
        don't bother come on in

**** Piano solo  1 verse *****

**** Bitchin guitar solo 1 verse *****

Well The house is a rockin
        don't bother knockin

Well The house is a rockin
        don't bother knockin

if the house is a rockin
        don't bother come on in

Walkin up the street you can hear the sound

There some bad honky tonkys really laying it down

you seen lotta years    you got nothin to loose

so get out on the floor   shimmy 'til you shak-em loose

Well The house is a rockin
        don't bother knockin

Well The house is a rockin
        don't bother knockin

if the house is a rockin
        don't bother come on in

I Said the house is a rockin
        don't bother come on in

                   ************** THE END ***************
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